2009 Regular Session


File Code: Insurance - Health Crossfiled with: HOUSE BILL 860
Sponsored By:
Senator Middleton
Healthy Maryland Program


Renaming the Maryland Health Insurance Plan to be the Healthy Maryland Program; establishing the status and purpose of the Program and the intent of the General Assembly with regard to the Program; repealing specified requirements for the operation of the Maryland Health Insurance Plan; establishing requirements for Program enrollment and coverage; establishing a Board of Directors for the Program; requiring the Program to operate subject to the supervision and control of the Board; providing for an Executive Director; etc.

History by Legislative and Calendar Date

Legislative date is used to record history occurring in the Chambers otherwise Calendar date is used.
Senate Action
First Reading Finance & Budget and Taxation
Hearing 3/4 at 1:00 p.m. (Finance)
House Action
No Action

Bill indexed under the following Subjects:

Committees and Commissions -see also- Political Committees
Drugs -see also- Controlled Dangerous Sub; Substance Abuse
Elderly Persons
Electronic Government
Fees -see also- Devt Fees and Taxes; Reimbursement Rates
Health Care Commission
Health Insurance -see also- HMOS; Managed Care Organizations
Health Maintenance Organizations -see also- Manage Care Orgs
Income Tax
Insurance Administration
Labor and Industry, Division of
Names -see also- Proper Names
Prices -see also- Consumer Price Index
Revenue and Taxes -see also- Dev Fees & Taxes; specific tax.
Rules and Regulations
Small Business
Work, Labor and Employment -see also- Col Barg; Holiday; etc

Bill affects the following Statutes:

( 14-501 , 14-502 , 14-502.1 , 14-503 , 14-504 , 14-505 , 14-506 , 14-506 , 14-506.1 , 14-507 , 14-508 , 14-509 , 15-1204 , 15-1301 )
Labor and Employment
( 12-101 , 12-102 )
Tax - General
( 10-106.2 )


Bill Text (Displayed in PDF Format): First Reading, Third Reading, Enrolled
Fiscal and Policy Note (Displayed in PDF Format): Available
Amendments: None offered