Calendar Date: Apr 10, 2017 4:43 PM
SEQ NO. 1485
Legislative Date: Apr 3, 2017
Presiding:  Jones
General Assembly of Maryland
Maryland House of Delegates
2017 Regular Session
Explanation of Motions & Actions
SB 572 Special Orders
Sen. Simonaire et al                 (HGO)
Investigational Drugs, Biological Products, and
Devices - Right to Try Act
Favorable with amendments adp - ON 2ND RDG
Motion to suspend rules and allow 2 Rdgs on 1 Day
97 Yeas     40 Nays     1 Not Voting     2 Excused (Absent)     1 Absent
Voting Yea - 97
Ali Dumais Jackson McCray Simonaire
Anderson Ebersole Jacobs McIntosh Stein
Angel Fennell Jalisi McMillan Sydnor
Atterbeary Fraser-Hidalgo Jameson Miele Szeliga
Barkley Frick Jones Miller, A. Tarlau
Barnes, B. Frush Kaiser Moon Turner
Barnes, D. Gaines Kelly Morales Valderrama
Barron Gibson Kipke Mosby Valentino-Smith
Barve Gilchrist Knotts Patterson Vallario
Beidle Glenn Korman Pena-Melnyk Waldstreicher
Branch Grammer Kramer Pendergrass Walker
Bromwell Gutierrez Krimm Platt Washington, A.
Brooks Hayes Lafferty Proctor Washington, M.
Carey Haynes Lam Queen Wilkins
Carr Healey Lewis, J. Reznik Wilson, B.
Chang Hettleman Lewis, R. Robinson Wilson, C.
Clippinger Hill Lierman Rosenberg Wivell
Conaway Hixson Lisanti Sample-Hughes Young, K.
Cullison Holmes Luedtke Sanchez Young, P.
Davis Howard, C.
Voting Nay - 40
Adams Cassilly Howard, S. McConkey Reilly
Afzali Ciliberti Impallaria McDonough Rey
Anderton Cluster Kittleman McKay Rose
Arentz Fisher Krebs Metzgar Saab
Aumann Flanagan Long Miller, W. Shoemaker
Beitzel Ghrist Malone Morgan Sophocleus
Buckel Glass Mautz Otto Vogt
Carozza Hornberger McComas Parrott West
Not Voting - 1
Excused from Voting - 2
Clark Morhaim
Excused (Absent) - 1
Speaker Busch