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Statutes Text

Article - Health Occupations


    (a)    Subject to subsection (c) of this section, if the Board has revoked or suspended the license of a licensee, the Board may not reinstate the license until the Board is satisfied that the individual:

        (1)    Has complied with all the terms and conditions in the final order; and

        (2)    Is capable of safely engaging in the practice of naturopathic medicine.

    (b)    The Board may not reinstate the license of an individual whose license was revoked by the Board within 6 months after the date of the revocation.

    (c)    A disciplinary panel may not reinstate a surrendered or revoked license that has been surrendered or revoked for a period of more than 1 year unless the licensee:

        (1)    Meets the requirements for reinstatement as established under this title; and

        (2)    Completes a criminal history records check in accordance with § 14–308.1 of this title.

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