1997 Regular Session


File Code: Miscellaneous
Sponsored By:
Delegates Brinkley, La Vay, Stull, Flanagan, Getty, Bonsack, Kittleman, Elliott, Poole, Cryor, Heller, Leopold, Bozman, Fry, Beck, Finifter, McKee, Donoghue, Rzepkowski, Ports, and Morgan
Inheritance Tax - Exemption for Property that Passes to Public, Charitable, or Religious Organizations


Altering an exemption under the inheritance tax for the receipt of property that passes from a decedent to or for the use of specified organizations located in the State so as to exempt transfers to an organization to which transfers are deductible for purposes of the federal estate tax.

Legislative History

House Action
First Reading Ways and Means
Hearing 2/25 at 1:00 p.m.
Unfavorable Report by Ways and Means
Senate Action
No Action
Sponsored by:
Delegate David R. Brinkley, District 4A
Delegate Raymond Beck, District 39
Delegate Rose Mary Hatem Bonsack, District 34
Delegate K. Bennett Bozman, District 38
Delegate Jean B. Cryor, District 15
Delegate John P. Donoghue, District 2C
Delegate Donald B. Elliott, District 4B
Delegate Michael J. Finifter, District 11
Delegate Robert L. Flanagan, District 14B
Delegate Donald C. Fry, District 35A
Delegate Joseph M. Getty, District 5
Delegate Henry B. Heller, District 19
Delegate Robert H. Kittleman, District 14B
Delegate Richard La Vay, District 15
Delegate John R. Leopold, District 31
Delegate Robert A. McKee, District 2A
Delegate John S. Morgan, District 13B
Delegate D. Bruce Poole, District 2B
Delegate James F. Ports, Jr., District 8
Delegate James E. Rzepkowski, District 32
Delegate Paul S. Stull, District 4A
Bill indexed under the following Subjects:
Bill affects the following Statute:
Tax - General
( 7-203 )


Bill Text:
First Reading (PDF), Third Reading, Enrolled
Fiscal Note: Available (PDF)