
The Honorable Casper R. Taylor, Jr.
Speaker of the House
State House
Annapolis MD 21401

Dear Mr. Speaker:

In accordance with Article II, Section 17 of the Maryland Constitution, I have today vetoed House Bill 706 - Hospital Bonds - Maryland Hospital Bond Program - Study.

This bill requires the Maryland Health and Higher Education Facilities Authority and the Health Services Cost Review Commission to conduct a study of changes to the Maryland Hospital Bond Program that will ensure access to affordable capital for Maryland hospitals while providing for the orderly elimination of excess hospital capacity in Maryland. The study is to be conducted in consultation with bond rating agencies, bond insurance companies, the Maryland Hospital Association and any other interested parties. The bill also requires the authority and the commission to report any recommendations and findings to the General Assembly by December 31, 2000.

Senate Bill 423, which was passed by the General Assembly and signed by me on April 25, 2000, accomplishes the same purpose. Therefore, it is not necessary for me to sign House Bill 706.

Parris N. Glendening