File Code: Public Health
Crossfiled with: HOUSE BILL 1146
- Sponsored By:
Senators Madaleno, Forehand, and Raskin
- Entitled:
Limited Service Pregnancy Centers - Disclaimers
Requiring that limited service pregnancy centers make specified
disclaimers to clients and potential clients; requiring that
disclaimers be given by specified staff under specified circumstances
and in a specified manner; defining a term; etc.
Legislative date is used to record
history occuring in the Chambers
otherwise Calendar date is used.
Senate Action
- 2/1
- First Reading Finance
- 2/13
- Hearing 3/5 at 1:00 p.m.
House Action
- No Action
Sponsored by:
- Senator Richard S. Madaleno, Jr., District 18
- Senator Jennie M. Forehand, District 17
- Senator Jamie Raskin, District 20
Bill indexed under the following Subjects:
- Clinics
- Disclosure
- Pregnancy
- Women
Bill affects the following Statute:
- Health - General
- (
- Bill Text (Displayed in PDF Format):
First Reading,
Third Reading, Enrolled
- Fiscal and Policy Note (Displayed in PDF Format):
- Amendments:
None offered