2009 Regular Session


File Code: Elderly
Sponsored By:
Delegates Robinson, Boteler, Cane, Hecht, Howard, McComas, McDonough, Montgomery, Shewell, Stocksdale, and Walkup
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene - Health Care Facilities - Database of Terminated Employees


Requiring the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene to establish a database that includes specified information on employees of health care facilities who were terminated for abusing or neglecting a person in a health care facility; requiring the placement of the employee on the database under specified circumstances; authorizing specified health care facilities to have access to the database; etc.

History by Legislative and Calendar Date

Legislative date is used to record history occurring in the Chambers otherwise Calendar date is used.
House Action
First Reading Health and Government Operations
Hearing 2/24 at 1:00 p.m.
Unfavorable Report by Health and Government Operations Withdrawn
Senate Action
No Action

Sponsored by:

Delegate Barbara Robinson, District 40
Delegate Joseph C. Boteler, III, District 8
Delegate Rudolph C. Cane, District 37A
Delegate Sue Hecht, District 3A
Delegate Carolyn J. B. Howard, District 24
Delegate Susan K. McComas, District 35B
Delegate Pat McDonough, District 7
Delegate Karen S. Montgomery, District 14
Delegate Tanya T. Shewell, District 5A
Delegate Nancy R. Stocksdale, District 5A
Delegate Mary Roe Walkup, District 36

Bill indexed under the following Subjects:

Developmental Disabilities
Disabilities -see also- Blind; Deaf; Developmental
Elderly Persons
Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of
Health Occupations -see also- specific health occupations
Home Care Services -see also- Respite Care
Hospitals -see also- Clinics; State Hospitals
Records -see also- Land Records; Vital Records
Victims -see also- Criminal Injuries Compensation
Work, Labor and Employment -see also- Col Barg; Holiday; etc

Bill affects the following Statutes:

Health - General
( 19-114 , 19-347.1 )


Bill Text (Displayed in PDF Format): First Reading, Third Reading, Enrolled
Fiscal and Policy Note (Displayed in PDF Format): Available
Amendments: None offered