2009 Regular Session


File Code: Economic and Community Development Crossfiled with: SENATE BILL 679
Sponsored By:
Delegates Rosenberg, Oaks, Carter, Conaway, Robinson, and Tarrant
Maryland Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority - Payment in Lieu of Tax Agreement


Prohibiting the Maryland Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority from providing specified assistance to a participating institution for a project on undeveloped property unless the participating institution demonstrates that it is negotiating in good faith a payment in lieu of tax agreement with the local jurisdiction where the project is located; authorizing specified payment in lieu of tax agreements; etc.

History by Legislative and Calendar Date

Legislative date is used to record history occurring in the Chambers otherwise Calendar date is used.
House Action
First Reading Appropriations
Hearing 3/17 at 1:00 p.m.
Hearing cancelled
Unfavorable Report by Appropriations Withdrawn
Senate Action
No Action

Sponsored by:

Delegate Samuel I. Rosenberg, District 41
Delegate Jill P. Carter, District 41
Delegate Frank M. Conaway, Jr., District 40
Delegate Nathaniel T. Oaks, District 41
Delegate Barbara Robinson, District 40
Delegate Shawn Z. Tarrant, District 40

Bill indexed under the following Subjects:

Bonds -see also- County & Baltimore City Bonds; State Bonds.
Counties -see also- Chartered Counties; Code Counties
Health -see also- Mental Health
Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority
Higher Education -see also- Comm Colleges; Med Schools; etc.
Real Property
Revenue and Taxes -see also- Dev Fees & Taxes; specific tax.

Bill affects the following Statutes:

Economic Development
( 10-315 , 10-323 , 10-338 )


Bill Text (Displayed in PDF Format): First Reading, Third Reading, Enrolled
Fiscal and Policy Note (Displayed in PDF Format): Available
Amendments: None offered