2009 Regular Session


File Code: Alcoholic Beverages - Local Bills
Sponsored By:
Senator Dyson
St. Mary's County - Alcoholic Beverages - Winery License


Authorizing the St. Mary's County Board of License Commissioners to issue a Class W winery license to specified holders of a Class 4 manufacturer's license; specifying the privileges conferred by the Class W winery license, including the ability to sell wine and other products for consumption on or off the premises and to maintain furnishings to enable patrons to consume wine and food; providing a license fee; etc.

History by Legislative and Calendar Date

Legislative date is used to record history occurring in the Chambers otherwise Calendar date is used.
Senate Action
First Reading Education Health and Environmental Affairs
Hearing 3/13 at 1:00 p.m.
House Action
No Action

Bill indexed under the following Subjects:

Alcoholic Beverages Licenses
Alcoholic Beverages - By Subdivision
Fees -see also- Devt Fees and Taxes; Reimbursement Rates
License Commissioners, Boards of
St. Mary`s County

Bill affects the following Statutes:

Article - 2B Alcoholic Beverages
( 4-301 , 11-519 )


Bill Text (Displayed in PDF Format): First Reading, Third Reading, Enrolled
Fiscal and Policy Note (Displayed in PDF Format): Available
Amendments: None offered