2009 Regular Session


File Code: Taxes - Miscellaneous Crossfiled with: HOUSE BILL 812
Sponsored By:
Senator Jones (Chair, Joint Committee on the Management of Public Funds) and Senators Currie, Forehand, and Haines
Data Warehouse - Agency Data Sharing


Authorizing the Comptroller to request from State agencies specified license, permit, and registration information and assistance to enable the Comptroller to enforce the tax laws of the State; requiring State agencies to provide to the Comptroller in a specified manner specified license, permit, and registration information relevant to tax administration; etc.

History by Legislative and Calendar Date

Legislative date is used to record history occurring in the Chambers otherwise Calendar date is used.
Senate Action
First Reading Budget and Taxation
Hearing 2/11 at 1:30 p.m.
House Action
No Action

Sponsored by:

Senator Verna L. Jones, District 44
Senator Ulysses Currie, District 25
Senator Jennie M. Forehand, District 17
Senator Larry E. Haines, District 5
Management of Public Funds, Joint Committee on the

Bill indexed under the following Subjects:

Administrative Agencies -see also- Electronic Government
Electronic Government
Licenses -see also- Alcoholic Bev Lic; Drivers` Licenses
Records -see also- Land Records; Vital Records
Registration -see also- Motor Vehicle Registration
Revenue and Taxes -see also- Dev Fees & Taxes; specific tax.

Bill affects the following Statute:

Tax - General
( 13-804.1 )


Bill Text (Displayed in PDF Format): First Reading, Third Reading, Enrolled
Fiscal and Policy Note (Displayed in PDF Format): Available
Amendments: None offered