2010 Regular Session


File Code: Public Health Crossfiled with: HOUSE BILL 707
Sponsored By:
Senator Rosapepe
Sexual Supplement Safety Act


Prohibiting, except on a valid prescription of an authorized prescriber, a person from marketing, selling, offering for sale, or distributing a specified aphrodisiac drug product; providing civil penalties for a violation of the Act; and defining "aphrodisiac drug product".

History by Legislative and Calendar Date

Legislative date is used to record history occurring in the Chambers otherwise Calendar date is used.
Senate Action
First Reading Senate Rules
House Action
No Action

Bill indexed under the following Subjects:

Commerce and Business -see also- Dealers; Elec. Comm.; etc
Drugs -see also- Controlled Dangerous Sub; Substance Abuse
Health Occupations -see also- specific health occupations
Penalties and Sentences -see also- Death Penalty
Pharmacists and Pharmacies

Bill affects the following Statute:

Health - General
( 24-304 )


All documents except Roll Call Votes are displayed in PDF format:
Bill Text: First Reading, Third Reading, Enrolled
Fiscal and Policy Note: Available
Amendments: None offered