1998 Regular Session


CHAPTER NUMBER: 109 File Code: Operating Budget
Sponsored By:
The President (Administration)
Budget Bill (Fiscal Year 1999) BY: The President (Administration) Budget Bill (Fiscal Year 1999)


Making the proposed appropriations contained in the State Budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1999, in accordance with Article III, Section 52 of the Maryland Constitution; etc.

History by Legislative Date

Senate Action
First Reading Budget and Taxation

Favorable with Amendments Report by Budget and Taxation
Favorable with Amendments
Laid Over (Senator Hoffman) Adopted
Favorable with Amendments
Special Order 3/18 (Senator Hoffman) Adopted
Favorable with Amendments
Committee Amendment (#1-15) Adopted
Committee Amendment (#16-44) Adopted
Committee Amendment (#45-67) Adopted
Committee Amendment (#68-90) Adopted
Committee Amendment (#91-116) Adopted
Committee Amendment (#117-130) Adopted
Committee Amendment (#131-139) Adopted
Committee Amendment (#140-150) Adopted
Committee Amendment (#151-161) Adopted
Committee Amendment (#162-177) Adopted
Committee Amendment (#178-186) Adopted
Committee Amendment (#187-201) Adopted
Committee Amendment (#202-224) Adopted
Committee Amendment (#225-226) Adopted
Committee Amendment (#227-230) Adopted
Committee Amendment (#231-247) Adopted
Favorable with Amendments Report Adopted
Floor Amendment (Senator Dyson) Rejected (22-24)
Floor Amendment (Senator McCabe) Rejected
Floor Amendment (Senator McCabe) Rejected (21-24)
Floor Amendment (Senator Frosh) Rejected (5-40)
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
Third Reading Passed (47-0)
Supplemental Budget #3 Budget and Taxation Committee Amendments Adopted
Motion Senate Concur - House Amendment (#169) (Senator Haines) Rejected (21-26)
Senate Refuses to Concur - House Amendments
Senate Requests House Recede
Conference Committee Appointed ...
Hoffman, Ruben, Boozer
Conference Committee Report Adopted
Third Reading Passed (46-0)
Passed Enrolled
Became Law without Governor's signature per MD Constitution - Chapter 109
House Action
First Reading Appropriations
Favorable with Amendments Report by Appropriations
Favorable with Amendments
Special Order 3/25 (Delegate Rawlings) Adopted
Favorable with Amendments
Committee Amendment (#1-11) Adopted
Committee Amendment (#12, 14-25) Adopted
Committee Amendment (#13) Adopted (93-33)
Committee Amendment (#26-40) Adopted
Committee Amendment (#41-53) Adopted
Committee Amendment (#54-68) Adopted
Committee Amendment (#69-76, 78, 79) Adopted
Committee Amendment (#77) Adopted
Committee Amendment (#80-94, 97-100) Adopted
Committee Amendment (#95, 96) Adopted
Committee Amendment (#101-116) Adopted
Committee Amendment (#117-126) Adopted
Committee Amendment (#127-134) Adopted
Committee Amendment (#142, 144) Withdrawn
Committee Amendment (#135-141, 143, 145-156) Adopted
Floor Committee Amendment (Appropriations) (#157-168) Adopted
Favorable with Amendments Report Adopted
Floor Amendment (Delegate Owings) (#169) Adopted (70-65)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Hubbard) Rejected (23-104)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Flanagan) Rejected
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
Floor Amendment (Senator C. Mitchell) Rejected
Floor Amendment (Senator C. Mitchell) Rejected
Floor Amendment (Delegate Flanagan) Rejected (47-83)
Floor Amendment (Morgan)
Motion vote previous question (Delegate Minnick) Adopted
Floor Amendment (Morgan) Rejected (43-91)
Third Reading Passed with Amendments (124-14)
Senate Requests House Concur - Amendments (#1-7) of Supplemental Budget #3
House Refuses to Concur - Senate Amendments (#1-7) of Supplemental Budget #3
House Refuses to Recede
Conference Committee Appointed ...
Delegates Rawlings, Kopp, and Rosenberg
In addition to the 3 House conferees the House appoint the following 5 members
to serve as advisors to t Conference Committee: Dels Conway, Slade, Franchot
Klima and Edwards
Motion Special Order 4/7 (Delegate Hubbard)
Motion vote previous question (Delegate Gordon) Adopted
Special Order 4/7 (Delegate Hubbard) Adopted (68-67)
Conference Committee Report Adopted (107-30)
Third Reading Passed (110-27)
Bill indexed under the following Subjects:


Bill Text: First Reading (PDF), Third Reading (PDF), Enrolled (PDF)
Fiscal Note: Not available at this time
Number: 079618/1 (PDF)     Offered on: March 30, 1998   at: 8:57 p.m.     Status: Adopted
Number: 093006/1 (PDF)     Offered on: March 18, 1998   at: 6:05 p.m.     Status: Rejected
Number: 223806/1 (PDF)     Offered on: March 18, 1998   at: 6:05 p.m.     Status: Rejected
Number: 283605/1 (PDF)     Offered on: March 18, 1998   at: 5:55 p.m.     Status: Rejected
Number: 413907/1 (PDF)     Offered on: March 30, 1998   at: 8:55 p.m.     Status: Rejected
Number: 813207/2 (PDF)     Offered on: March 18, 1998   at: 5:20 p.m.     Status: Rejected
Number: 013101/1 (PDF)     Offered on: March 26, 1998   at: 11:20 a.m.     Status: Rejected
Number: 413907/1 (PDF)     Offered on: March 25, 1998   at: 11:44 a.m.     Status: Adopted
Number: 513204/1 (PDF)     Offered on: March 26, 1998   at: 11:38 a.m.     Status: Rejected
Number: 633807/1 (PDF)     Offered on: March 26, 1998   at: 11:59 a.m.     Status: Rejected
Number: 653604/1 (PDF)     Offered on: March 25, 1998   at: 12:19 p.m.     Status: Rejected
Number: 734645/1 (PDF)     Offered on: March 25, 1998   at: 11:43 a.m.     Status: Adopted
Number: 943809/2 (PDF)     Offered on: March 26, 1998   at: 11:40 a.m.     Status: Rejected
Number: 983202/1 (PDF)     Offered on: March 25, 1998   at: 12:14 p.m.     Status: Rejected
Roll Call Votes (Legislative dates are shown):
March 18, 1998: Floor Amendment (Dyson) {813207/2 Rejected (22-24)
March 18, 1998: Floor Amendment (McCabe) {223806/1 Rejected (21-24)
March 18, 1998: Floor Amendment (Frosh) {093006/1 Rejected (5-40)
March 20, 1998: Third Reading Passed (47-0)
March 30, 1998: Motion Senate Concur - House Amendment (#169) {413907/1 (Haines) Rejected (21-26)
April 6, 1998: Third Reading Passed (46-0)
March 25, 1998: Committee Amendment (#13) Adopted (93-33)
March 25, 1998: Floor Amendment (Owings) {413907/1 (#169) Adopted (70-65)
March 25, 1998: Floor Amendment (Hubbard) {983202/1 Rejected (23-104)
March 26, 1998: Floor Amendment (Flanagan) {943809/2 Rejected (47-83)
March 26, 1998: Floor Amendment (Morgan) Rejected (43-91)
March 26, 1998: Third Reading Passed (124-14)
April 1, 1998: Motion Special Order until 4/7 (Hubbard) Adopted (68-67)
April 2, 1998: Conference Committee Report Adopted (107-30)
April 2, 1998: Third Reading Passed (110-27)