2004 Regular Session
Transportation - Highways (R1)
- Entitled
Vehicle Laws - Stopping or Parking in the Center Lane
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Transportation - High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes - Use by Energy
Efficient Vehicles
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Transportation - State Highways - Roadside Solicitation
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
State Highways - Designation - 175th Infantry Regiment Memorial
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Maryland Transportation Authority - Transportation Facilities Projects
- Tolls
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Ways and Means
Senate: Finance
- Entitled
Highways - Designation - 115th Infantry Regiment Memorial Highway
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Prince George's County - Prohibited Funding and Permits for Highway
PG 400-04
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Appropriations
- Entitled
Intercounty Connector - Prohibition
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Appropriations
- Entitled
Frederick County - Korean War Veterans Memorial Highway - Memorial
Sign or Marker
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Baltimore County - Highway User Revenues - Restrictions
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Appropriations
- Entitled
Vehicle Laws - Highways - Prohibition on Use for Solicitation
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Transportation - Board of Property Review - Membership Qualifications
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
State Highways - Designation - Corporal Jason Mileo Memorial Highway
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Transportation - Third Chesapeake Bay Bridge Crossing - Straw Ballot
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters and Ways and Means
- Entitled
State Highways - Designation - 175th Infantry Regiment Memorial
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Finance
- Entitled
Transportation - High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes - Use by Energy
Efficient Vehicles
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Transportation - Third Chesapeake Bay Bridge Crossing - Straw Ballot
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Finance
- Entitled
Highways - Designation - 115th Infantry Regiment Memorial Highway
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Finance