2009 Regular Session
State Government - General Assembly (P5)
- Entitled
Legislative Districting - Resident Delegates by County
- Committee
Assignments -
House: House Rules and Executive Nominations
- Entitled
Maryland Constitution - Laws Making an Appropriation Made Subject to Petition
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Appropriations
- Entitled
Department of Legislative Services - Technical Changes
- Committee
Assignments -
House: House Rules and Executive Nominations
Senate: Senate Rules
- Entitled
Maryland Taxpayer Protection Act
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Ways and Means
- Entitled
Legislative Districting - Resident Delegates by County
- Committee
Assignments -
House: House Rules and Executive Nominations
- Entitled
Tobacco Product Manufacturers - Settlement of State Claims - Nonparticipating
Manufacturers - Deposit of Funds in Escrow - Codification of Model Statute
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Legislative Districting - Resident Delegates by County
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Annual Corrective Bill
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Senate Rules
House: House Rules and Executive Nominations
- Entitled
Annual Curative Bill
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Senate Rules
House: House Rules and Executive Nominations
- Entitled
State Government - Legislative Furlough Enabling Act
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Budget and Taxation
- Entitled
Maryland Taxpayer Protection Act
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Budget and Taxation
- Entitled
Maryland Constitution - Laws Making an Appropriation Made Subject to Petition
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Budget and Taxation
- Entitled
Joint Oversight Committee on Emergency Medical Services
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Finance
House: Health and Government Operations