2010 Regular Session
Transportation - Generally (R2)
- Entitled
Task Force to Study Traffic Accident Clearance Procedures
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Subway and Light Rail Operation Safety Act
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Transportation - Public-Private Partnerships - Notice to the General Assembly
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Ways and Means
- Entitled
Traffic Citations - Notice of Defendant's Right to Elect to Stand Trial -
Presence of Police Officer
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Transportation Trust Fund Protection Act
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Appropriations
- Entitled
Smartphone Safety Act
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Vehicle Laws - Prohibition Against Smoking in Vehicle Containing Young Child
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Transportation - Transit Vehicle Operators - Prohibition on Use of Wireless
Communication Devices
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Transit Vehicles - Prohibited Acts - Use of Obscene Language
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Maryland Transit Administration - Audio Recording Devices on Vehicles Used for
Transit Service
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Prince George's County - Maryland Department of Transportation - Study of Rail
Transit System for Southern Prince George's County
PG 401-10
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Traffic Safety Is No Accident Act of 2010
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Blue Ribbon Commission on Maryland Transportation Funding
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Ways and Means and Environmental Matters
Senate: Budget and Taxation
- Entitled
State Government - Priority Funding for Transportation Projects for BRAC
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Ways and Means
- Entitled
Maryland Transit Administration - Police Vehicles - Video Recording Devices
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Highway Electronic Toll and Fee Consolidation Act
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Ways and Means
- Entitled
Transportation - Consolidated Transportation Program - Evaluation and Selection
of Proposed Capital Projects
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Ways and Means and Environmental Matters
Senate: Budget and Taxation
- Entitled
Maryland Transportation Authority - E-ZPass Account Maintenance Charge -
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Ways and Means
- Entitled
Maryland Transportation Authority - Toll Increase - Public Meeting Requirement
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Ways and Means
- Entitled
Maryland Department of Transportation - Transit Review and Evaluation
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
Senate: Finance
- Entitled
Blue Ribbon Commission on Maryland Transportation Funding
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Budget and Taxation
House: Ways and Means and Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Maryland Transit Administration - Transit-Oriented Development - Expansion of
Geographic Area
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Finance
- Entitled
Department of Transportation - Repeal of Secretary's Authority to Abolish
Employee Positions
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Finance
House: Appropriations
- Entitled
Maryland Port Commission - Membership
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Finance
- Entitled
Transportation - Maryland Emergency Medical System Operations Fund - Transport
by Privately Owned Helicopter
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Finance
- Entitled
Maryland Transportation Authority - Proposed Toll or Fee Charges - Public
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Finance
House: Ways and Means
- Entitled
Maryland Transportation Authority - Toll Increase - Public Meeting Requirement
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Budget and Taxation
- Entitled
State Government - Priority Funding for Transportation Projects for BRAC
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Budget and Taxation
- Entitled
Transportation - Consolidated Transportation Program - Evaluation and Selection
of Proposed Capital Projects
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Budget and Taxation
- Entitled
Maryland Transportation Authority - Chesapeake Bay Bridge - Tolls
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Budget and Taxation
- Entitled
State Highway Administration - Clearing Sidewalks of Snow at Transit Stations -
Agreements with Political Subdivisions
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Senate Rules