House Agenda for April 2, 2024
Floor Agenda (Session 1) Message from the Senate: Introductory Senate Bills No. 31 Completed Message from the Senate: Introductory Senate Bills No. 32 Completed Economic Matters Committee Report No. 23 Completed Health and Government Operations Committee Report No. 27 Completed Special Order Calendar No. 55 Completed Calendar of Third Reading House Bills No. 129 Completed Calendar of Third Reading House Bills No. 130 Completed Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 18 Completed Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 19 Completed Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 20 Completed Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 21 Completed Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 22 Completed Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 23 Completed Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 27 Completed Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 28 Completed Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 29 Completed Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 30 Completed Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 31 Completed Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 32 Completed Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 33 Completed Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 34 Completed Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 35 Completed Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 36 Completed Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 37 Completed Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 38 Completed Message from the Senate: Concurrence Calendar No. 4 Completed Floor Agenda (Session 2) Message from the Senate: Consent Calendar of Introductory Senate Bills No. 33 Completed Rules and Executive Nominations Committee Report No. 4 Consent No. 4 Completed Calendar of Third Reading House Bills No. 131 Completed Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 48 Completed Message from the Senate: Concurrence Calendar No. 5 Completed Message from the Senate: Concurrence Calendar No. 6 Completed Message from the Senate: Concurrence Calendar No. 7 Completed

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