House Floor Actions (2/26/2018)
House Proceedings No. 34 |
Convened 8:00 PM, February 26, 2018 |
Quorum: 128 |
Introductory Calendar - House Bills No. 47 |
HB 1772 - HB 1776 First Reading |
Message from the Senate - Senate Bills No. 22 |
SB 28 |
Referred Environment and Transportation |
SB 267 |
Referred Health and Government Operations |
SB 281 |
Referred Economic Matters |
SB 292 |
Referred Health and Government Operations |
SB 348 |
Referred Health and Government Operations |
SB 373 |
Referred Appropriations |
SB 396 |
Referred Health and Government Operations |
SB 424 |
Referred Environment and Transportation |
SB 490 |
Referred Judiciary |
SB 549 |
Referred Health and Government Operations |
SB 680 |
Referred Rules and Executive Nominations |
SB 711 |
Referred Health and Government Operations |
Committee Report No. 4 Rules and Executive Nominations |
HB 1694 |
Re-referred Appropriations |
HB 1739 |
Re-referred Appropriations |
HB 1743 |
Re-referred Appropriations |
HB 1745 |
Re-referred Appropriations |
HB 1749 |
Re-referred Appropriations |
HB 1750 |
Re-referred Appropriations |
HB 1751 |
Re-referred Appropriations |
HB 1755 |
Re-referred Appropriations |
HB 1756 |
Re-referred Appropriations |
HB 1761 |
Re-referred Appropriations |
Committee Report No. 5 Rules and Executive Nominations |
HB 1685 |
Re-referred Health and Government Operations |
HB 1695 |
Re-referred Judiciary |
HB 1696 |
Re-referred Health and Government Operations |
HB 1697 |
Re-referred Appropriations Ways and Means |
HB 1700 |
Re-referred Judiciary |
HB 1702 |
Re-referred Judiciary |
HB 1707 |
Re-referred Ways and Means |
HB 1711 |
Re-referred Ways and Means Health and Government Operations |
HB 1717 |
Re-referred Ways and Means |
House Resolutions |
Tribute to Fallen Heroes |
Announcements |
Quorum: 135 |
Adjourned 8:43 PM, until Feb 27, 2018 at 10:00 AM |