House Floor Actions (2/25/2025)
House Agenda for Proceedings No. 34
Appropriations Committee Report No. 4
Appropriations Committee Report No. 5
Environment and Transportation Committee Report No. 5
Environment and Transportation Committee Report No. 6
Health and Government Operations Committee Report No. 7
Health and Government Operations Committee Report No. 8
Judiciary Committee Report No. 3
Judiciary Committee Report No. 4
Ways and Means Committee Report No. 2
Ways and Means Committee Report No. 3
Ways and Means Committee Report No. 4
Special Order Calendar No. 12
Calendar of Third Reading House Bills No. 15
Calendar of Third Reading House Bills No. 16
House Proceedings No. 34 |
Convened 10:05 AM, Legislative Day 02/22/25, Calendar Day 02/25/25 |
Quorum: 129 |
House Resolutions |
Committee Report No. 4 Appropriations |
HB 298 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 473 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
Committee Report No. 5 Environment and Transportation |
HB 166 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 397 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 425 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 872 |
Favorable Adopted |
Motion Special Order until 02/26 (Delegate Adams) Adopted |
Committee Report No. 7 Health and Government Operations |
HB 421 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 423 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 722 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
Committee Report No. 3 Judiciary |
HB 88 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 136 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 146 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 179 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 249 |
Favorable Adopted |
Motion Special Order until 02/26 (Delegate Pippy) Adopted |
HB 281 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 616 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 646 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 787 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 864 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
Committee Report No. 3 Ways and Means |
HB 324 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 586 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
Committee Report No. 4 Ways and Means |
HB 603 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 617 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 619 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
Committee Report No. 5 Appropriations |
HB 251 |
Favorable with Amendments {403723/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 961 |
Favorable with Amendments {703429/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
Committee Report No. 6 Environment and Transportation |
HB 131 |
Favorable with Amendments {823326/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 375 |
Favorable with Amendments {233623/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 449 |
Favorable with Amendments {413923/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 755 |
Favorable with Amendments {563526/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 780 |
Favorable with Amendments {543323/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
Committee Report No. 8 Health and Government Operations |
HB 11 |
Favorable with Amendments {273927/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 73 |
Favorable with Amendments {853324/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 331 |
Favorable with Amendments {383427/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 367 |
Favorable with Amendments {893529/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 376 |
Favorable with Amendments {533323/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 428 |
Favorable with Amendments {933822/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 455 |
Favorable with Amendments {363125/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 553 |
Favorable with Amendments {603427/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 745 |
Favorable with Amendments {543425/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 869 |
Favorable with Amendments {253329/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 995 |
Favorable with Amendments {813921/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
Committee Report No. 4 Judiciary |
HB 786 |
Favorable with Amendments {623323/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
Committee Report No. 2 Ways and Means |
HB 6 |
Favorable with Amendments {243623/1 Adopted |
Motion Special Order until 02/26 (Delegate Schmidt) Adopted |
HB 133 |
Favorable with Amendments {713120/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 197 |
Favorable with Amendments {943422/1 Adopted |
Motion Special Order until 02/26 (Delegate Fisher) Adopted |
HB 322 |
Favorable with Amendments {603221/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 325 |
Favorable with Amendments {773929/1 Adopted |
Motion Special Order until 02/26 (Delegate Szeliga) Adopted |
HB 412 |
Favorable with Amendments {863728/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 614 |
Favorable with Amendments {623924/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
Special Orders No. 12 |
HB 582 |
Motion Special Order until 03/13 (Delegate Crosby) Adopted |
Quorum: 132 |
Third Reading Calendar - House Bills or Resolutions No. 15 |
HB 107 |
Third Reading Passed (101-32) |
HB 208 |
Third Reading Passed (99-34) |
HB 233 |
Third Reading Passed (94-37) |
HB 385 |
Third Reading Passed (96-37) |
HB 482 |
Third Reading Passed (103-30) |
HB 559 |
Third Reading Passed (133-0) |
Third Reading Calendar - House Bills or Resolutions No. 16 |
HB 575 |
Third Reading Passed (133-0) |
HB 795 |
Third Reading Passed (125-8) |
HB 825 |
Third Reading Passed (98-35) |
HB 887 |
Third Reading Passed (133-0) |
HB 895 |
Third Reading Passed (132-0) |
Announcements |
Quorum: 133 |
Adjourned 11:28 AM, until Feb 26, 2025 at 10:00 AM, (Legislative Day 02/23) |