House Floor Actions (2/26/2020)
House Agenda for Proceedings No. 36
House Proceedings No. 36 |
Convened 10:00 AM, February 26, 2020 |
Quorum: 128 |
Introductory Calendar - House Bills No. 45 |
HB 1643 - HB 1645 First Reading |
Bond Initiative No. 28 Referred Appropriations |
Message from the Senate - Senate Bills No. 19 |
SB 41 |
Referred Environment and Transportation |
SB 83 |
Referred Health and Government Operations |
SB 158 |
Referred Economic Matters |
SB 225 |
Referred Appropriations |
SB 347 |
Referred Judiciary |
SB 406 |
Referred Judiciary |
SB 455 |
Referred Health and Government Operations |
SB 467 |
Referred Judiciary |
SB 472 |
Referred Environment and Transportation |
SB 599 |
Referred Environment and Transportation |
SB 633 |
Referred Judiciary |
SB 899 |
Referred Judiciary |
Committee Report No. 6 Economic Matters |
HB 14 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 139 |
Favorable with Amendments {333191/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 774 |
Favorable with Amendments {443790/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 835 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 1141 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
Committee Report No. 2 Rules and Executive Nominations |
HB 1640 |
Re-referred Judiciary |
Special Orders No. 20 |
HB 86 |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
Announcements |
Quorum: 136 |
Adjourned 10:20 AM, until Feb 27, 2020 at 10:00 AM |