Senate Floor Actions (3/7/2025)
Senate Agenda for Proceedings No. 39
Senate Proceedings No. 39 |
Convened 11:01 AM, Legislative Day 02/19/25, Calendar Day 03/07/25 |
A quorum being present under Senate Rule 5A, the Senate is operating in a Pro Forma Session |
Attendance Quorum: 3 |
Invocation from the prior session will serve as today's prayer |
House Bills Introduced in the Senate No. 11 |
HB 1 |
Referred Judicial Proceedings |
HB 12 |
Referred Finance |
HB 56 |
Referred Budget and Taxation |
HB 123 |
Referred Judicial Proceedings |
HB 189 |
Referred Judicial Proceedings |
HB 219 |
Referred Judicial Proceedings |
HB 236 |
Referred Judicial Proceedings |
HB 268 |
Referred Finance |
HB 292 |
Referred Judicial Proceedings |
HB 295 |
Referred Judicial Proceedings |
HB 315 |
Referred Judicial Proceedings |
HB 334 |
Referred Finance |
HB 344 |
Referred Education, Energy, and the Environment |
HB 406 |
Referred Finance |
HB 427 |
Referred Education, Energy, and the Environment |
HB 431 |
Referred Finance |
HB 436 |
Referred Judicial Proceedings |
HB 437 |
Referred Judicial Proceedings |
HB 442 |
Referred Judicial Proceedings |
HB 445 |
Referred Judicial Proceedings |
HB 446 |
Referred Education, Energy, and the Environment |
HB 489 |
Referred Education, Energy, and the Environment |
HB 507 |
Referred Budget and Taxation |
HB 508 |
Referred Budget and Taxation |
HB 528 |
Referred Judicial Proceedings |
HB 604 |
Referred Judicial Proceedings Education, Energy, and the Environment |
HB 609 |
Referred Education, Energy, and the Environment |
HB 678 |
Referred Budget and Taxation |
HB 698 |
Referred Budget and Taxation |
HB 704 |
Referred Education, Energy, and the Environment |
HB 707 |
Referred Judicial Proceedings |
HB 720 |
Referred Education, Energy, and the Environment |
HB 820 |
Referred Finance |
HB 857 |
Referred Education, Energy, and the Environment |
HB 894 |
Referred Education, Energy, and the Environment |
HB 929 |
Referred Judicial Proceedings |
HB 936 |
Referred Finance |
HB 938 |
Referred Finance |
HB 939 |
Referred Finance |
HB 943 |
Referred Judicial Proceedings |
HB 968 |
Referred Finance |
HB 972 |
Referred Education, Energy, and the Environment |
HB 979 |
Referred Finance |
HB 1010 |
Referred Budget and Taxation |
HB 1020 |
Referred Finance |
HB 1080 |
Referred Finance |
HB 1116 |
Referred Judicial Proceedings |
HB 1344 |
Referred Education, Energy, and the Environment |
Quorum: 3 |
Adjourned 11:03 AM, until Mar 10, 2025 at 8:00 PM, (Legislative Day 02/20) |