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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB0109 - Public Safety – Maryland Swimming Pool and Spa Standards – Adoption

Environment and Transportation 1/26/2021 1:30:00 PM
As of: 9/18/2024 3:18:12 PM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Delegate Stein, Delegate Stein FAV No Testimony ENT
Stein, Dana FAV Stein Testimony HB 109.pdf ENT
Graf, Lori Maryland Building Industry Association FAV MBIA Testimony HB 109.pdf ENT
Wiley, Justin International Code Council FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
ICC Support of HB 109 (attachment) .pdf
ICC Support of HB 109 .pdf
Bryant, Bill Maryland Building Officials Association FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB 109 - MBOA Favorable Testimony.pdf
HB 109 Support Bryant - MBOA.pdf
Bagwell, Ashlie FAV 2021 JCRC HB 109 Public Safety Pools.pdf ENT
Harting, Marta Venable FAV MD HB 109 SB 254 Talking Points.pdf ENT
Welch, Kenneth Maryland Conference of Local Environmental Health Directors UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
HB 109 Swimming Pools Jan 2021 Final .pdf
Strausbaugh, Shawn International Code Council FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Katchmarchi, Adam National Drowning Prevention Alliance FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
MD General Assembly ISPSC Lettter of Support.pdf
Korn, Alan National Drowning Prevention Alliance FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Jones, Susan Ocean City Hotel-Motel-Restaurant Association UNF Opposition Letter HB109 Adoption of International ENT
Davidson, Jason Pool and Hot Tub Alliance (PHTA) FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
1125 PHTA ISPSC MD Listing Jan 2021(1) (002).pdf
1125 PHTA ISPSC National Listing Jan 2021(2).pdf
HB0109 final 012121 signed.pdf
Jason Davidson_PHTA_HB 109.pdf
Walker, Alan Anthony & Sylvan Pools FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Stein, Del. Dana INFO HB0109-703123-01 (1) ENT
Testimony, All N/A No Testimony ENT
Testimony, All N/A No Testimony ENT
Testimony, All N/A No Testimony ENT
Testimony, All N/A No Testimony ENT
Testimony, All N/A No Testimony ENT
Testimony, All N/A No Testimony ENT
Testimony, All N/A No Testimony ENT
Testimony, All N/A No Testimony ENT
Coalition, Maryland Fire EMS FAV HB109 Favorable Support ENT
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