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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB0127 - Maryland Arts and Culture Capital Grant Program

Appropriations 1/28/2020 1:00:00 PM
As of: 9/18/2024 3:57:01 PM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Delegate Lierman, Delegate Lierman FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
BEL Testimony_HB127
Fiore, Justin Maryland Municipal League FAV No Testimony APP
James, Mayor Jeannine Town of La Plata FAV No Testimony APP
Fiore, Justin Maryland Municipal League FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB 127 - Maryland Municipal League
Wilkins, Barbara Department of Budget and Management INFO No Testimony APP
Pugh, Amanda Maryland Center For The Arts FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB127 MD Center For The Arts, FAV
Cohen, Nicholas Maryland Citizens for the Arts FAV No Testimony APP
Alexander, Carole Arts Council of Anne Arundel County FAV No Testimony APP
Schwartz, Jonathan The Modell Lyric FAV No Testimony APP
Westendorff, Julie Allegany Arts Council FAV No Testimony APP
Nyman, April Arts Council of Anne Arundel County FAV No Testimony APP
Jenkins, Suzan Arts and Humanities of Montgomery County FAV No Testimony APP
Hoffberger, Rebecca FAV No Testimony APP
Luce, Helene FAV No Testimony APP
Ross, Michael Baltimore Center Stage FAV No Testimony APP
Downs, Jackie Baltimore Office of Promotion & the Arts FAV No Testimony APP
Keating, Aran Baltimore Rock Opera Society FAV No Testimony APP
Coffee, Jane Chesapeake Shakespeare FAV No Testimony APP
Kennelly, Louise Frederick Arts Council FAV No Testimony APP
West, Coleen Howard County Center For The Arts FAV No Testimony APP
Schratwieser, John Kent County Arts Council FAV No Testimony APP
Rilette, Ryan Round House Theatre FAV No Testimony APP
Elder, Nell St. Mary's County Arts Council FAV No Testimony APP
Jeffries, Monica Strathmore FAV No Testimony APP
Mullis, Anna Worcester County Arts Council FAV No Testimony APP
Lane, Rebecca Washington County Museum of Fine Art FAV No Testimony APP
key, eric university of maryland global campus FAV HB127 UMGC FAV APP
key, eric umgc FAV No Testimony APP
Westendorf, Julie Allegany Arts Council FAV HB127_AAC_FAV APP
Nyman, April Arts Council of Anne Arundel County FAV ACAAC_HB127 APP
Jenkins, Suzan Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County FAV HB 127_AHCMC_FAV APP
Hoffberger, Rebecca Visionary Arts Museum FAV AVAM_HB 127 APP
Luce, Helene Baltimore County FAV HB127_BC_FAV APP
Ross, Michael Baltimore Center Stage FAV HB127_BCS_FAV APP
Downs, Jackie Baltimore Office of Promotion & the Arts FAV HB127_BOPA_FAV APP
Keating, Aran Baltimore Rock Opera Society FAV HB127_BROS _FAV APP
Coffee, Jane Chesapeake Shakespeare Company FAV HB127_CSC_FAV APP
Kennelly, Louise Frederick Arts Council FAV HB127_FAC_FAV APP
West, Coleen Howard County Arts Council FAV HB127_HCAC_FAV APP
Schratwieser, John Kent County Arts Council FAV HB127_KCA_FAV APP
Rilette, Ryan Round House Theatre FAV HB127_RH_FAV APP
Elder, Nell St. Mary's County Arts Council FAV HB 127_SMAC_FAV APP
Jeffries, Monica Strathmore FAV HB127_Strathmore_FAV APP
Mullis, Anna Worcester County Arts Council FAV HB127_WCAC_FAV APP
Lane, Rebecca Massie Washington County Museum of Fine Arts FAV HB127_WCMFA_FAV APP
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