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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB0237 - State Department of Education - Early Literacy and Dyslexia Practices - Guidance and Assistance

Ways and Means 1/20/2021 1:30:00 PM
As of: 9/18/2024 5:51:45 PM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Delegate Ebersole, Delegate Ebersole FAV No Testimony W&M
Ceruolo, Rich FAV Testimony In Support of Dyslexia Handbook HB 237 S W&M
Woolums, John UNF HB 237.Dyslexia Handbook.pdf W&M
Conner, Charles Office of the Baltimore County Executive FAV BaltimoreCounty_FAV_HB0237.pdf W&M
Carr, Stephanie FAV House Bill 237 written testimony.pdf W&M
Murphy, Alex FAV 2021 01 20 - Alex Murphy - House Written Testimony W&M
Brocato, Barbara FWA Maryland Psychological Association - HB237 Dyslexi W&M
Margolis, Leslie Disability Rights Maryland FAV EACtestimony.HB237.pdf W&M
Peterson, Matt FAV HB237 - Dyslexia.pdf W&M
Faulkner, Rachael Public Policy Partners FAV 2021 MSPA HB 237 House Side.pdf W&M
Gable, Nicole FAV House Bill 237 Testimony- Nicole Gable, MD.pdf W&M
Ortiz, Jeanette INFO AACPS HB237 Dyslexia Handbook INFO 1.20.21.pdf W&M
Ebersole, Eric Maryland House of Delegates FAV HB 237 2021 Dyslexia Handbook testimony.pdf W&M
Parker, Erin Decoding Dyslexia FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Erin Parker Decoding Dyslexia Testimony.pdf
Fidler, Sara FAV HB237_NDMU_Fav.pdf W&M
Spitulnik, Karleen Decoding Dyslexia Maryland FAV 2021 MEC Testimony Reading and Dyslexia Handbook H W&M
Bowman, Dr. Fran FAV handbooklegislation.pdf W&M
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