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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB0608 - Correctional Services - Prerelease Unit for Women - Requirement to Operate

Judiciary 2/18/2020 1:00:00 PM
As of: 9/19/2024 4:36:47 PM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Delegate Crutchfield, Delegate Crutchfield FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
CCDWC Testimony January 30 2020
CCDWC Testimony January 30 2020
Copy of HB608 Ioana Stoica - original
Copy of HB608 Ioana Stoica - original
HB 608 Kimberly Haven Testimony
HB 608 Kimberly Haven Testimony
HB 608 Reproductive Justice Inside Support
HB 608 Reproductive Justice Inside Support
HB 608_FAV_ACLU_Spielberger
HB 608_FAV_ACLU_Spielberger
HB 608_FAV_ACLU_Spielberger
HB608 - Carol Stern for JUFJ
HB608 - Carol Stern for JUFJ
HB608 - Emily Blank (003)
HB608 - Emily Blank (003)
HB608 - Emily Blank (003)
HB608 Crutchfield Testimony
HB608 Crutchfield Testimony
HB608 Mark Paster
HB608 Mark Paster
HB608 Mark Paster
HB608 Maryland Legislative Coalition
HB608 MLAW testimony
HB608 Toby Ditz
HB608 Toby Ditz
HB608 Womens Democratic League Frederick Maryland
HB608_Testimony_JUFJ_Anita Lampel
HB608_Testimony_JUFJ_Anita Lampel
HB608_Testimony_JUFJ_Carol Stern
HB608_Testimony_JUFJ_Carol Stern
HB608_Testimony_JUFJ_Carol Stern
HB608_Testimony_JUFJ_Toby Ditz
HB608_Testimony_JUFJ_Toby Ditz
Sandy Bell Testimony (NOW)
Testimony 2020 Pre-release Etta Myers
Testimony 2020 Pre-release Giselle Hicks
Testimony 2020 Pre-release Giselle Hicks
Testimony 2020 Pre-release Giselle Hicks
Testimony 2020 Pre-release Monica Cooper
Testimony 2020 Pre-release Rebecca Gardner
Testimony 2020 Pre-release Vonunette Allen
WDC testimony for PRC House Bills (Final)
Green, Robert DOSCS INFO In Person - Oral Testimony
scruggs, carolyn DPSCS INFO No Testimony JUD
sessa, rachel DPSCS INFO No Testimony JUD
Wallerstedt, Anne Maryland Catholic Conference FAV HB608_Maryland Catholic Conference JUD
Siri, Michelle Women's Law Center of MD FAV HB 608 - Women's Law Center of MD JUD
philip, diana naral pro choice maryland FAV HB0608 MD NARAL FINAL JUD
Little, Kolbi NAACP FAV No Testimony JUD
Love, Dayvon LBS FAV No Testimony JUD
Saulsburry, Alisha FAV No Testimony JUD
Lohrasbi, Munib Disabilities Rights Maryland FAV No Testimony JUD
Jackson, Maya Marian House FAV No Testimony JUD
Hanson, Nicole Out for Justice FAV No Testimony JUD
Cooper, Monica Maryland Justice Project FAV No Testimony JUD
Gilmore, Denise AFSCME Corrections Union FAV No Testimony JUD
DeVaughn, Ashley ACY FAV No Testimony JUD
Ramos, Odette Baltimore Women Unites FAV No Testimony JUD
Mc Neil, Rev. Charles FAV No Testimony JUD
Frank, Nancy FAV No Testimony JUD
Bright, Dr. Charlotte FAV No Testimony JUD
Stone, Annie Marian House FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
NA, Joe ACLU FAV No Testimony JUD
frazier, derrell job opportunities task force FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB 608 Women's Pre-Release
Kemerer, Hannibal Attorney General FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Flores, Ricardo OPD FAV No Testimony JUD
Shapiro, Melanie OPD FAV No Testimony JUD
Spielberger, Joe ACLU of Maryland FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB 608_FAV_ACLU_Spielberger
Amster, Molly Jews United for Justice FAV No Testimony JUD
Caroom, Phil MAJR FAV Caroom_sup HB 608 & 658 JUD
Haven, Kimberly Reproductive Justice Inside FAV No Testimony JUD
rosen cohen, nancy FAV hb 608_NCADD_FAV
hb 608_NCADD_FAV
rosen cohen, nancy NCADD FAV No Testimony JUD
Kittleman, Delegate Trent Women's Legislative Caucus, MGA FAV HB608WomensCaucus20200218120705 JUD
devaughn, Ashley ACY FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Prerelease Unit for Women -
DeVaughn, Ashley ACY FAV No Testimony JUD
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