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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

SB0023 - Conditions of Pretrial Release - Home Detention Monitoring

Judicial Proceedings 2/3/2021 1:00:00 PM
As of: 9/19/2024 9:49:52 AM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Senator Hettleman, Senator Hettleman FAV No Testimony JPR
Oppenheim, Todd Office of Public Defender FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Smeton, Jonathan SURJ Baltimore FAV SB 23 - Eliminate Fees for GPS Monitors for Low-In JPR
Fertig, Benjamin FAV SB 23 - Eliminate Fees for GPS Monitors for Low-In JPR
Sell, Jennifer SURJ3A FAV SB0023- Testimony- Support- JS.pdf JPR
Britt, Adiena N/A FAV No Testimony JPR
Freeman, Iman Baltimore Action Legal Team FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Balt Testimony_2021_SB23.pdf
Todd, Tamara FAV SB 23 - Eliminate Fees for GPS Monitors for Low-In JPR
Rosenthal, Anne FAV SB 23 - Eliminate Fees for GPS Monitors for Low-In JPR
Keipper, Lindsay Showing Up for Racial Justice- Baltimore FAV SB 23 - Eliminate Fees for GPS Monitors for Low-In JPR
Kleinman, Jan SURJ FAV SURJ GPS Monitoring 2021 Feb 1.pdf JPR
Jung, Roy Office of the Attorney General -- Legislative Affairs Unit FAV 2021-02-03 SB 23 (Support).pdf JPR
Yoder, Daryl FAV SB 23 - Eliminate Fees for GPS Monitors for Low-In JPR
Dwyer, Maura FAV SB 23 - Eliminate Fees for GPS Monitors for Low-In JPR
Ansah, Samuela American Civil Liberties Union FAV SB 23_FAV_ACLUMD_ANSAH.pdf JPR
Novak, Natalie FAV Testimoony SB 23 .pdf JPR
Rochkind, Jonathan FAV SB 23 - Eliminate Fees for GPS Monitors for Low-In JPR
McDonald, Ericka LWVBCO FAV SB 23 - Eliminate Fees for GPS Monitors for Low-In JPR
Wilkins, Katherine FAV SB 23 - Eliminate Fees for GPS Monitors for Low-In JPR
Conner, Charles Office of the Baltimore County Executive FAV BaltimoreCounty_FAV_SB0023.pdf JPR
Powell, Holly Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) FAV SB 23 - Eliminate Fees for GPS Monitors for Low-In JPR
John, Beverly UNF Senate Bill 23 response.pdf JPR
York, Caryn JOTF - CEO FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
SB023_FAV_JOTF Caryn York.pdf
SB23_JOTF_Monitoring Fees Costs.pdf
Johnson, Travon FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
SB023_FAV_ Travon Johnson.pdf
Quarles, Antoine JOTF - Witness FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
SB23_FAV_Dwight. Kerney.pdf
Hauck, Barbara SURJ Baltimore FAV SB 23 - Eliminate Fees for GPS Monitors for Low-In JPR
Hanson - Mundell, Nicole Out for Justice FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Philip, Diana NARAL Pro-Choice Maryland FAV SB0023 MD NARAL SUPPORT.pdf JPR
Collins, Michael Baltimore City State's Attorney Office FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Hettleman, Shelly MGA- Senator Hettleman FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Caroom, Philip Maryland Alliance for Justice Reform FAV SUPPORT SB 23 and 229.pdf JPR
Testimony, All N/A Merged Testimony as of 2-2-2021 at 954 AM JPR
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