Committee Testimony and Witness Signup
SB0330 - Property Tax Credit - Disabled or Fallen Law Enforcement Officer or Rescue Worker - Alterations
Budget and Taxation 1/29/2025 10:30:00 AM
As of: 2/22/2025 10:31:38 AM
Name | Organization | Position | Testimony | Committee |
Senator Jackson, Senator Jackson | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
B&T | |
Cluster, John | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
B&T | |
Cohen, Elliot | Baltimore City Police Fraternal Order of Police Lodge # 3 | FAV | No Testimony | B&T |
Phillips, Robert | Maryland State Firefighter's Association | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB 330 testimony.pdf |
B&T |
Fickus, Daniel | Fraternal Order of Police | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
B&T |
McKay, Mike | FAV | Letter for SB330.pdf | B&T | |
consoli, angelo | FOP Lodge 89 and Maryland State Lodge | FAV | No Testimony | B&T |
Jackson, Samira | MD Police Chiefs Assoc. and MD Sheriffs Assoc. | FAV | MCPA-MSA_SB 330-Property Tax Credit Fallen Officer | B&T |
Mauer, William | FAV | No Testimony | B&T | |
Lang, Alan | FAV | No Testimony | B&T | |
Jackson, Michael | Senate of Maryland | FAV | SB330-2025Testimony.pdf | B&T |
Katz, Janet | FAV | No Testimony | B&T | |
Dews, Christopher | Cornerstone Government Affairs | FAV | No Testimony | B&T |
Testimony, All | N/A | Merged Testimony as of 1-28-2025 at 1228 PM | B&T |
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