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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

SB0862 - Labor and Employment - Minimum Wage - Allegany County and Garrett County

Finance 3/12/2020 1:00:00 PM
As of: 9/23/2024 2:52:45 PM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Senator Edwards, Senator Edwards FAV No Testimony FIN
Marsh, Tom FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Rodwin, David pjc UNF PJC_UNF_SB862 FIN
Christian, Nicole Garrett County Chamber of Commerce FAV GCChamber_FAV_SB0862 FIN
Orr, Benjamin Maryland Center on Economic Policy UNF MD Center on Economic Policy_UNF_SB862 FIN
Edwards, Donna Maryland State and DC AFL-CIO UNF MDDCAFLCIO_UNF_SB862 FIN
Cavanagh, Terry SEIU Maryland & DC STATE COUNCIL UNF 1199_UNFAV_SB862
Jones, Ricarra 1199 SEIU UNF No Testimony FIN
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