The President (Administration) and Senators Bromwell, Collins,
Conway, Exum, Forehand, Green, Hollinger, Hughes, Kasemeyer, Kelley,
Lawlah, Teitelbaum, and Van Hollen
Agriculture - Infectious and Contagious Diseases - Administrative
Search Warrants
Committee Assignments
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
House: Judiciary and Environmental Matters
Status as of April 9, 2002: Became Law - Chapter 3
Sponsored By
The President (Administration) and Senators Bromwell, Collins,
Conway, Forehand, Green, Hollinger, Hughes, Kasemeyer, Lawlah,
Teitelbaum, and Van Hollen
State Government - Access to Public Records - Public Security
Committee Assignments
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
House: Commerce and Government Matters