House Floor Actions (2/21/2020)
House Agenda for Proceedings No. 33
Introductory House Bills No. 42
Introductory House Bills No. 43
Message from the Senate: Consent Calendar of Introductory Senate Bills No. 17
Ways and Means Committee Report No. 4
Ways and Means Committee Report No. 5
Calendar of Third Reading House Bills No. 14
House Proceedings No. 33 |
Convened 11:00 AM, February 21, 2020 |
Quorum: 128 |
Introductory Calendar - House Bills No. 42 |
HB 1630 - HB 1632 First Reading |
Bond Initiative No. 24 Referred Appropriations |
Message from the Senate - Senate Bills No. 17 |
SB 13 |
Referred Environment and Transportation |
SB 151 |
Referred Judiciary |
SB 165 |
Referred Economic Matters |
SB 167 |
Referred Economic Matters |
SB 173 |
Referred Environment and Transportation |
SB 186 |
Referred Health and Government Operations |
SB 193 |
Referred Health and Government Operations |
SB 227 |
Referred Judiciary |
SB 244 |
Referred Environment and Transportation |
SB 245 |
Referred Health and Government Operations |
SB 246 |
Referred Judiciary |
SB 249 |
Referred Judiciary |
SB 257 |
Referred Environment and Transportation |
SB 289 |
Referred Environment and Transportation |
SB 291 |
Referred Environment and Transportation |
SB 292 |
Referred Environment and Transportation |
SB 323 |
Referred Environment and Transportation |
SB 341 |
Referred Health and Government Operations |
SB 353 |
Referred Environment and Transportation |
SB 366 |
Referred Ways and Means |
SB 495 |
Referred Environment and Transportation |
SB 499 |
Referred Ways and Means |
SB 579 |
Referred Judiciary |
SB 713 |
Referred Ways and Means Environment and Transportation |
Committee Report No. 4 Ways and Means |
HB 216 |
Favorable with Amendments {655867/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 392 |
Favorable with Amendments {705761/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
Quorum: 133 |
Third Reading Calendar - House Bills or Resolutions No. 14 |
HB 96 |
Third Reading Passed (132-0) |
Announcements |
Introductory Calendar - House Bills No. 43 |
HB 1633 First Reading |
Quorum: 134 |
Adjourned 11:15 AM, until Feb 24, 2020 at 8:00 PM |