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As of: 9/20/2024 12:23:49 PM
Friday, February 7, 2020
Education, Business and Administration Subcommittee - (Budget and Taxation Committee)
Created: 1/10/2020 2:36 PM
Education, Business and Administration Subcommittee - Budget Hearing
11:30 AM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD

Health and Human Services Subcommittee - (Budget and Taxation Committee)
Created: 1/10/2020 2:36 PM
Health and Human Services Subcommittee - Budget Hearing
11:30 AM - Miller Senate Building, William Amoss Room, 4th Floor, Annapolis, MD

Public Safety, Transportation, and Environment Subcommittee - (Budget and Taxation Committee)
Public Safety, Transportation, and Environment Subcommittee - Budget Hearing
11:30 AM - Miller Senate Building, Schweinhaut Room, 4th Floor, Annapolis, MD
Office of the Public Defender
Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund
Office of Administrative Hearings
Maryland Environmental Service

Created: 1/17/2020 4:44 PM
Public Safety, Transportation, and Environment Subcommittee - Budget Hearing
12:00 PM - Miller Senate Building, Schweinhaut Room, 4th Floor, Annapolis, MD
(Added - 1/24/2020 3:55 PM)
Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund
(Removed - 1/22/2020 7:38 PM)

Created: 1/10/2020 2:36 PM
Appropriations Committee - Budget Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 120, Annapolis, MD
(Added - 1/24/2020 3:55 PM)
DPSCS Overview
(Removed - 1/24/2020 3:55 PM)

Created: 1/23/2020 10:56 AM
Ways and Means Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 130, Annapolis, MD
Prince George's County Delegation

Prince George's County - Elementary School Students - Daily Physical Activity PG 503-20
(Added - 2/4/2020 5:13 PM)
PG Co Deleg and Mont Co Deleg

Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Maryland-National Capital Park Police and Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission Police Force PG/MC 105-20
Del Rogers, et al

Income Tax Checkoff - Maryland Veterans Trust Fund
Frederick County Delegation

Frederick County Board of Education - Vacancies
Del Walker

Prince George's County - Elementary School Students - Daily Physical Activity (Student Health and Fitness Act)
Del Buckel, et al

Task Force on Tax Policy, Reform, and Fairness
Del Grammer

Public High Schools - Career Exploration and Development Activities - Coffee
Del Walker

Income Tax - Subtraction Modification for Classroom Supplies Purchased by Teachers - Alteration
Del Mosby, et al

Income Tax - Carried Interest - Additional Tax
(Removed - 2/4/2020 9:21 AM)
Del Guyton, et al

State Department of Education - Student Performance Reports - Students With Disabilities
(Removed - 2/7/2020 12:34 PM)

Baltimore City
Created: 2/5/2020 10:45 AM
8:30 AM - House Office Building, Room 145, Annapolis, MD
Special Guest: U.S. Senators Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen

Created: 2/5/2020 10:48 AM
Bill Hearing
8:45 AM - House Office Building, Room 145, Annapolis, MD
Del R. Lewis, et al

Baltimore City - Complete Streets Program Funding - Traffic and Vehicle Monitoring Systems
Del Wells, et al

Baltimore City Community College - Procurement Authority
Del McIntosh, et al

Public Safety - Department of State Police - Primary Enforcement for Interstate 83 (Jones Falls Expressway) in Baltimore City
Del Mosby, et al

Baltimore City - Elections - Early Voting Centers
Del Rosenberg, et al

Baltimore City - Orphans' Court Judges - Compensation
Del Attar

Baltimore City - Repossession for Failure to Pay Rent - Registration and License Information

Baltimore County
Created: 2/5/2020 8:39 AM
9:00 AM - House Office Building, Room 180
Community College of Baltimore County, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra

Created: 2/5/2020 8:41 AM
Bill Hearing
9:00 AM - House Office Building, Room 180
9:15 AM - House Office Building, Room 180
Del Johnson, et al

Workers' Compensation - Permanent Partial Disability - Detention and Correctional Officers and Deputy Sheriffs
Del P. Young, et al

Baltimore County Board of Education - Student Member - Voting
Del P. Young, et al

Baltimore County Board of Education - Student Member - Scholarship
Del P. Young, et al

Baltimore County Board of Education - Student Member - Selection
Del P. Young, et al

Baltimore County – Motorcycles – Sunday Sales

Created: 2/5/2020 8:42 AM
Voting Session
9:00 AM - House Office Building, Room 180
9:30 AM - House Office Building, Room 180
Dels Szeliga and Arikan

Baltimore County - Sales and Use Tax Exemption - Qualified Opportunity Zones

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