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As of: 9/20/2024 9:34:26 AM
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Capital Budget Subcommittee - (Budget and Taxation Committee)
Capital Budget Subcommittee - Budget Hearing
8:30 AM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
Capital Department of Disabilities
Capital Board of Public Works
Capital Judiciary
Capital Department of Health
Capital Maryland State Library Agency
Capital Baltimore City Community College
Capital Morgan State University
Capital Department of Housing and Community Development
Capital Maryland Department of the Environment
Capital Maryland Independent College and University Association
Capital Local Jails and Detention Centers

Created: 2/26/2020 9:02 AM
Capital Budget Subcommittee - Budget Hearing
9:00 AM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD

Education, Business and Administration Subcommittee - (Budget and Taxation Committee)
Created: 1/10/2020 2:36 PM
Education, Business and Administration Subcommittee - Budget Hearing
1:00 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD

Health and Human Services Subcommittee - (Budget and Taxation Committee)
Created: 1/10/2020 2:36 PM
Health and Human Services Subcommittee - Budget Hearing
1:00 PM - Miller Senate Building, William Amoss Room, 4th Floor, Annapolis, MD

Public Safety, Transportation, and Environment Subcommittee - (Budget and Taxation Committee)
Created: 1/10/2020 2:36 PM
Public Safety, Transportation, and Environment Subcommittee - Budget Hearing
1:00 PM - Miller Senate Building, Schweinhaut Room, 4th Floor, Annapolis, MD

Created: 2/5/2020 3:58 PM
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
Sen Patterson

General Provisions - Commemorative Days - Tuskegee Airmen Commemoration Day
Sen Ellis

Legal Holiday - Maryland Emancipation Day - Establishment
(Jointly assigned to Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs\Budget and Taxation)
Chr Joint Committee on Ending Homelessnes

Workgroup on Funding for a Low- or No-Interest Mortgage Program
Sen Kagan, et al

Grant Applications and Reporting - Uniform Forms and Requirements
Sen Hester, et al

Regulations Affecting Small Businesses - Certification of Comparable Local Regulation
Sen Patterson

State Procurement - Small Business Reserve Program
Sen Griffith

Commission on Minority- and Women-Owned Small Business Participation in State Procurement
Sen Zucker

State Procurement - Payment of Employee Health Care Expenses - Revisions
Sen McCray

Housing and Community Development – Down Payment and Settlement Expense Loan Program – Homebuyer Education Requirements
Sen Jennings

Procurement - Major Information Technology Development Projects
Sen Hayes, et al

State and Local Procurement - Payment Practices
Sen Hayes

Housing and Community Development - Neighborhood Revitalization - Passive House Pilot Program
(Jointly assigned to Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs\Budget and Taxation)
Carroll County Senators

Carroll County - Contracts and Purchases
Sen Hester

Industrial Partnerships - Sustainable Materials Management Program - Established
(Removed - 2/24/2020 12:09 PM)
Sens Hester and Rosapepe

Department of General Services - State Innovation Program and Fund - Establishment
(Removed - 2/24/2020 12:09 PM)

Created: 2/4/2020 5:17 PM
Finance Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
Sens Guzzone and Kelley

Labor and Employment - Direct Care Workforce Innovation Program
(Jointly assigned to Finance\Budget and Taxation)
Sen Kramer

Health Care Facilities - Dialysis Treatment Services - Training (Dialysis Parity Act)
Sen Hayes, et al

Labor and Employment - Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program - Establishment
Sen Young

Public Safety - Residential Elevators - Inspections
Sen Zucker

Health and Human Services Referral System - Modifications
Sen Klausmeier

Public Safety - Hydraulic Elevator Inspections - Privately Owned Buildings
Sen Kramer, et al

Business Regulation – Retail Pet Stores – Internet Sales of Domestic Animals (No More Puppy– and Kitten–Mills Act of 2020)
Sen Kramer, et al

Retail Pet Stores - Transportation of Cats and Dogs by Common Carrier - Prohibition
Sen Benson, et al

Maryland Wage and Hour Law and Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law – Revisions (Maryland Wage Protection Act)
Sen Hester

State Personnel - Information Technology and Cybersecurity Qualifications - Established (Maryland State IT Hiring Act)
Sen Lee

Labor and Employment - Fair Recruitment and Transparency Act
Sen Griffith

Labor and Employment – Economic Stabilization Act – Revisions
Sen Rosapepe, et al

Youth Apprenticeship 2.0 Act of 2020
Sens Klausmeier and Elfreth

Commissioner of Labor and Industry - Construction Services - Stop Work Orders
(Removed - 2/24/2020 2:36 PM)

Created: 2/6/2020 5:22 PM
Judicial Proceedings Committee - Bill Hearing
12:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
Bill hearings will begin at 12:00 pm or immediately following the Senate floor session.
Sen Lam, et al

Public Information Act – Motor Vehicle Administration – Warrant for Personal Information and Reporting
Sen Young

Vehicle Laws - Title Service Agents - Out-of-State Vehicle Titles and Registrations
Sen Carter

Vehicle Laws - Canceled, Revoked, and Suspended Driver's Licenses - Penalties
Sen Waldstreicher

Motor Vehicle Administration Police - Powers
Sen Waldstreicher

Vehicle Laws - Manufacturers and Dealers
Sen Klausmeier

Distracted Driving Monitoring Systems - Authorization
Sens Hershey and Ready

Vehicle Laws - Digital Registration Plates - Prohibited Acts
Sen Sydnor (BCA)

Baltimore City – Speed Limits – Establishment
Sen Sydnor (BCA)

Baltimore City - Speed Monitoring Systems - Interstate 83
Sen Sydnor

Vehicle Laws - Registration Plate Frames and Borders - Enforcement
Sen Waldstreicher

Drunk Driving Offenses - Ignition Interlock System Program
Sen Feldman

Vehicle Laws - Personal Delivery Devices - Standards and Requirements
Sen Lee

Speed Monitoring Systems - School Zones - Hours and Days of Operation
Sen Cassilly

Low Speed Electric Vehicles - Use by Municipalities
(Removed - 2/14/2020 3:39 PM)
Sen Waldstreicher

Vehicle Laws - Violations Involving Pedestrians or Bicyclists - Penalties (Pedestrian Safety Act of 2020)
(Removed - 2/26/2020 4:18 PM)

Created: 1/31/2020 3:55 PM
Appropriations Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 120, Annapolis, MD
Dels Barve and Stein

Public School Construction and State Buildings - Use of Geothermal Energy
Del Anderton, et al

Local Governments - Income Tax Disparity Grants - Amounts
Del Rosenberg

Opioid Restitution Fund - Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
(Added - 2/5/2020 12:56 PM)
Del Rosenberg

Food Supplement Employment and Training Program - Benefits and Funding
(Added - 2/5/2020 12:56 PM)
Chr Joint Committee on Ending Homelessnes

Workgroup on Funding for a Low- or No-Interest Mortgage Program
(Added - 2/7/2020 4:00 PM)
Dels Rosenberg and McIntosh

Higher Education - Maryland Corps Program Fund - Alterations
(Added - 2/7/2020 4:00 PM)
Del P. Young, et al

State Finance and Procurement - Central Collection Unit - Powers
(Added - 2/7/2020 4:00 PM)
Del Solomon, et al

Public Safety - Education - Firearm Funding (No Funding for Firearms Act)
(Added - 2/10/2020 9:57 AM)
Del Rosenberg

Correctional Services – Division of Parole and Probation
(Added - 2/10/2020 9:57 AM)
Del Lierman, et al

Children in Out-of-Home Placement - Placement in Medical Facilities
(Added - 2/11/2020 9:58 AM)
Del M. Jackson

Correctional Officers' Retirement System - Membership
(Added - 2/11/2020 10:30 AM)
Del P. Young, et al

Military Service Credit - Eligibility
(Added - 2/11/2020 10:30 AM)
Del Johnson, et al

Law Enforcement Officers' Pension System - Military Service Credit
(Added - 2/11/2020 10:30 AM)
The Spkr (Admin)

Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act of 2020
(Added - 2/17/2020 1:34 PM)
Del Cox

State Retirement and Pension System - Military Service - Purchase of Credit
(Removed - 2/27/2020 12:00 PM)

Oversight Committee on Pensions - (Appropriations Committee)
Created: 2/24/2020 3:32 PM
Oversight Committee on Pensions - Work Session
9:00 AM - House Office Building, Room 120, Annapolis, MD

Created: 2/5/2020 1:36 PM
Economic Matters Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 230, Annapolis, MD
Del Charkoudian, et al

Utility Regulation - Consideration of Climate and Labor
(Jointly assigned to Economic Matters\Environment and Transportation)
Del Charkoudian, et al

Public Utilities - Low-Income and Middle-Income Housing - Energy Performance Targets
(Added - 2/6/2020 5:04 PM)
Del Carey

Home Energy Assistance - Critical Medical Needs Program - Power to the People Pilot Program
(Added - 2/6/2020 5:04 PM)
Del Brooks, et al

Clean Energy Jobs - Workforce Development - Scope
(Added - 2/6/2020 5:04 PM)
Del D.E. Davis, et al

Underground Facilities Damage Prevention - Revision
(Added - 2/10/2020 3:27 PM)
Del Hornberger, et al

Public Utilities - Underground Facilities - Time-Sensitive Ticket
(Removed - 2/20/2020 3:25 PM)
Del Rogers, et al

Insurance - Rate Effectiveness and People's Insurance Counsel Division
(Removed - 2/26/2020 10:08 AM)

Created: 2/5/2020 1:55 PM
Environment and Transportation Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 250, Annapolis, MD
Del Ebersole

Baltimore County - Vehicle Height Monitoring Systems
Del Korman, et al

Transportation - Purple Line Marketing Program (Purple Line Marketing Act)
Del Stein, et al

Public Information Act – Motor Vehicle Administration – Warrant for Personal Information and Reporting
(Jointly assigned to Environment and Transportation\Judiciary)
Del Szeliga, et al

Motor Vehicles - Motorcycles - Overtaking and Passing Vehicles
(Added - 2/6/2020 11:42 AM)
Del Stewart, et al

Vehicle Laws - Violations Involving Pedestrians or Bicyclists - Penalties (Pedestrian Safety Act of 2020)
(Added - 2/6/2020 11:42 AM)
Del Fraser-Hidalgo

Vehicle Laws - Rental Vehicles - Driver's License Verification and Records
(Added - 2/6/2020 11:42 AM)
Dels Stein and Lehman

Vehicle Laws - Liens - Electronic Recording
(Added - 2/6/2020 11:42 AM)
Del R. Watson, et al

Vehicle Laws - Commercial Motor Carriers - Safety, Maintenance, and Insurance Information (James's Law)
(Added - 2/6/2020 11:42 AM)
Del Fraser-Hidalgo

Motor Vehicle Administration - Records - Voluntary Disclosure of Developmental Disability
(Added - 2/7/2020 10:34 AM)
Del Conaway

Vehicle Laws - Traffic Control Signal Monitoring Systems, Speed Monitoring Systems, and Work Zone Speed Control Systems - Citation Responses
(Added - 2/10/2020 9:53 AM)
Del Boyce, et al

Central Maryland Regional Transit Plan and Commission - Alterations
(Added - 2/10/2020 9:53 AM)
Del Stewart

Vehicle Laws - Fines - Pilot Project for Income-Based Fines (Fair Fines Act of 2020)
(Added - 2/10/2020 9:53 AM)
Dels W. Fisher and Shetty

Vehicle Laws - Speed Monitoring Systems - Child Care Centers
(Added - 2/10/2020 9:53 AM)
Del Malone

Vehicle Laws - Pedestrian Safety
(Added - 2/10/2020 9:53 AM)
Del Bagnall

Chesapeake Bay Bridge Crossing - Affected Counties - Infrastructure Funding
(Removed - 2/12/2020 11:39 AM)

Created: 2/6/2020 11:46 AM
Health and Government Operations Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 240, Annapolis, MD
Del Kipke, et al

Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance – Specialty Drugs – Definition
Del Kipke

Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Managed Care Organizations That Use Pharmacy Benefits Managers - Reimbursement Requirements
Dels Sample-Hughes and Kipke

Pharmacy Benefits Managers - Duties and Obligations
Del K. Young, et al

Mail Order and Specialty Drugs - Physician Dispensing
Del Kelly

Maryland Insurance Administration - Pharmacy Services Administrative Organizations - Regulation
Dels Pendergrass and Cullison

State Health and Welfare Benefits Program - Maryland Competitive Pharmacy Benefits Manager Marketplace Act
(Jointly assigned to Health and Government Operations\Appropriations)
(Added - 2/10/2020 4:31 PM)
Del Johnson, et al

Health Insurance - Audits of Claims by Pharmacies or Pharmacists - Deadlines
(Added - 2/10/2020 4:31 PM)
Del Kipke, et al

Pharmacy Benefits Managers - Network Adequacy and Reimbursement
(Added - 2/10/2020 4:31 PM)
Del P. Young, et al

Health Insurance - Requirements for Establishing Step Therapy Protocol and Requesting Exceptions
(Added - 2/10/2020 4:31 PM)
Del Shetty, et al

Prescription Drug Benefits - Use of Real-Time Benefit Check Technology
(Removed - 2/11/2020 2:00 PM)
Del Kipke

State Board of Pharmacy - Specialty Practice Pharmacy - Permit
(Removed - 2/25/2020 11:27 AM)
Del Morgan, et al

Health Insurance and Pharmacy Benefits Managers - Freedom of Choice of Pharmacy Act
(Removed - 2/27/2020 10:46 AM)

Health Occupations and Long-Term Care Subcommittee - (Health and Government Operations Committee)
Created: 2/25/2020 8:32 AM
Health Occupations and Long-Term Care Subcommittee - Bill Hearing
11:00 AM - House Office Building, Room 240, Annapolis, MD
Del Hill, et al

Public Health - Schedule II Controlled Dangerous Substances - Partial Filling of Prescriptions
Del Rosenberg

Health Care Practitioners - Telehealth
Del Bagnall

State Board of Dental Examiners - Dental Specialization - Requirements
Del Barron, et al

Drugs and Devices - Electronic Prescriptions - Controlled Dangerous Substances
Del Cullison

Health Occupations - Social Workers - Scope of Practice, Supervision, and Application Decision Appeal Process
Del K. Young, et al

Pharmacists - Administration of Self-Administered Medications and Maintenance Injectable Medications
(Added - 2/25/2020 3:10 PM)
Del Kipke, et al

Health Occupations - Dental Hygienists - Authority to Prescribe and Administer Medication
Del Krebs, et al

Department of Information Technology - Study of a Common Information Technology Platform for Health Occupations Boards
Del Kelly, et al

Health Occupations - Pharmacists - Administration of Vaccinations
(Removed - 2/26/2020 1:46 PM)

Created: 2/10/2020 1:17 PM
Judiciary Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 100, Annapolis, MD
Del Clippinger

Criminal Law - Obscene Matter - Sexting by Minor
Del Moon, et al

Criminal Law - Child Pornography and Exhibition and Display of Obscene Items to Minors
Del Wilson

Criminal Law - Distribution of Child Pornography - Minor
Del Williams, et al

Juvenile Causes - Court Records
Del Charles, et al

Child Custody and Visitation - Best Interest of the Child - Factors
Del Wilson

Juvenile Law - Conduct by Children Involving Sexually Explicit or Nude Images
Dels Dumais and Atterbeary

Child Custody - Legal Decision Making and Parenting Time
Del Shoemaker, et al

Family Law - Grandparent Visitation
Del Arikan, et al

Family Law – Removal of Child From Home – Meetings
Del McComas, et al

Peace Orders and Protective Orders - Coercive Control
Del Atterbeary, et al

Education - Reportable Offenses - Alterations
(Jointly assigned to Judiciary\Ways and Means)
Del Rose, et al

Health Practitioners - Minor Patients - Child Abuse Reporting

Created: 2/4/2020 11:07 AM
Ways and Means Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 130, Annapolis, MD
Prince George's County Delegation

Prince George's County - Ethics - Limitations on Applicant Campaign Contributions PG 407-20
(Added - 2/10/2020 9:23 AM)
Del Rosenberg

Driver's Licenses and Vehicle Registrations - Distribution of Tax Payments and Unemployment Insurance Contributions - Tax Clinics for Low-Income Marylanders
(Jointly assigned to Ways and Means\Economic Matters)
Del Korman

21st–Century Economy Sales Tax Act
(Added - 2/6/2020 9:31 AM)
Del Kaiser

Homestead Property Tax Credit - Date of Transfer of Dwelling
(Added - 2/10/2020 9:23 AM)
Dels Washington and W. Fisher

Election Law - Early Voting Centers - Hours of Operation
(Added - 2/10/2020 9:23 AM)
Del Cardin, et al

Property Tax - Solar Energy Systems
(Added - 2/10/2020 9:23 AM)
Del Feldmark, et al

Public Financing Act – Candidate and Matching Fund Revisions (Maryland Fair Elections Act)
(Added - 2/10/2020 9:23 AM)
Del Stein

Forest Conservation - Mel Noland Woodland Incentives Fund - Distribution of Agricultural Land Transfer Tax Revenue
(Added - 2/10/2020 9:23 AM)
Del J. Lewis

Election Law - Candidate Defeated in Primary Election - Write-In Candidacy in General Election Prohibited
(Added - 2/10/2020 9:23 AM)
Del Kaiser

Election Law - Postelection Tabulation Audits - Risk-Limiting Audits
(Added - 2/10/2020 9:23 AM)
Del Kaiser

Property Tax - Tax Sales - Data Collection
(Added - 2/10/2020 9:23 AM)
Del Smith

Baltimore City - Property Tax Credit for Newly Constructed Dwellings - Reauthorization and Modification
(Added - 2/10/2020 9:23 AM)
Del Wilkins

State Board of Elections - Campaign Finance Enforcement and Compliance - New State Positions
(Added - 2/20/2020 5:46 PM)
Del Solomon, et al

Property Tax - Appeals of Assessments - Commercial Real Property
(Added - 2/10/2020 9:23 AM)
Del Palakovich Carr, et al

County Property Tax - Classifications of Real Property and Authority to Set Special Rates
(Added - 2/10/2020 9:23 AM)
Del Howard, et al

Admissions and Amusement Tax - Small Business Exemption
(Added - 2/10/2020 9:23 AM)
Del Mosby, et al

Public Financing Act – State Senate and House of Delegates Candidates and Matching Fund Revisions
(Added - 2/10/2020 9:23 AM)
Dels Mosby and Palakovich Carr

Campaign Finance - Contribution Through Third-Party Payment Processor - Transfer to Campaign Account
(Added - 2/10/2020 9:23 AM)
Del Carr, et al

Public Ethics and Campaign Activity - County Council Members and County Executives - Limitations on Applicant Contributions
(Jointly assigned to Ways and Means\Environment and Transportation)
(Added - 2/10/2020 9:23 AM)
Montgomery County Delegation

Montgomery County - Country Clubs and Golf Courses - Annual Land Preservation Fee MC 16-20
(Removed - 2/20/2020 11:45 AM)

No. 11 - Baltimore City
Created: 2/26/2020 3:55 PM
11:00 AM to 12:30 PM - Miller Senate Building, William Amoss Room, 4th Floor, Annapolis, MD
Meeting of the Baltimore City Senate Delegation

11:30 AM to 12:30 PM - Miller Senate Building, William Amoss Room, 4th Floor, Annapolis, MD
Meeting of Baltimore City Senate Delegation.

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