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Article - Business Occupations and Professions


    (a)    In this title the following words have the meanings indicated.

    (b)    “Architect” means an individual who practices architecture.

    (c)    “Board” means, unless the context requires otherwise, the State Board of Architects.

    (d)    “Code official” means a public official responsible for the review of building permit documents or the issuance of building permits.

    (e)    “Contact hour” means a minimum of 50 minutes of actual class time for each 60–minute hour.

    (f)    “Design coordination” means the review and coordination of services provided by individuals licensed or certified under Titles 3, 8, 9, 14, and 15 of this article.

    (g)    “License” means, unless the context requires otherwise, a license issued by the Board to practice architecture.

    (h)    “License fee” means, as applicable, the fee paid in connection with the issuance and renewal of a license and the issuance of a reciprocal license.

    (i)    “Licensed architect” means, unless the context requires otherwise, an architect who is licensed by the Board to practice architecture.

    (j)    “Permit” means, unless the context requires otherwise, a permit issued by the Board to allow a partnership or corporation to operate a business through which an individual may practice architecture.

    (k)    “Permit fee” means, as applicable, the fee paid in connection with the issuance and renewal of a permit.

    (l)    (1)    “Practice architecture” means to provide any service or creative work:

            (i)    in regard to an addition to, alteration of, or construction of a building or an integral part of a building; and

            (ii)    that requires education, training, and experience in architecture.

        (2)    “Practice architecture” includes:

            (i)    architectural design and preparation of related documents;

            (ii)    consultation;

            (iii)    design coordination;

            (iv)    evaluation;

            (v)    investigation; and

            (vi)    planning.

    (m)    “Public use” means the use of a building or other structure for the primary purpose of human use or habitation.

    (n)    “Residential use” means the use of a building or other structure as a dwelling.

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