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Article - Business Occupations and Professions


    (a)    In this title the following words have the meanings indicated.

    (b)    “Apprentice barber” means an individual who, under the supervision of a master barber, is learning to practice barbering or to provide barber–stylist services in a barbershop that holds a barbershop permit.

    (c)    “Barber” means an individual who practices barbering.

    (d)    “Barber–stylist” means an individual who provides barber–stylist services.

    (e)    (1)    “Barbershop” means any commercial establishment, except a beauty salon, in which an individual practices barbering or provides barber–stylist services.

        (2)    “Barbershop” includes a mobile barbershop.

        (3)    “Barbershop” does not include a clinic in a barber school.

    (f)    “Barbershop permit” means a permit issued by the Board to operate a barbershop.

    (g)    “Board” means the State Board of Barbers.

    (h)    (1)    “License” means, unless the context requires otherwise, a license issued by the Board to practice barbering or to provide barber–stylist services.

        (2)    “License” includes, unless the context requires otherwise, each of the following licenses:

            (i)    a master barber license;

            (ii)    a barber license; and

            (iii)    a barber–stylist limited license.

    (i)    (1)    “Limited license” means a license issued by the Board to practice barbering as limited in § 4–301 of this title.

        (2)    “Limited license” includes, unless the context requires otherwise, a limited license to provide barber–stylist services.

    (j)    “Master barber” means a barber who:

        (1)    has at least 15 months experience as a licensed barber; and

        (2)    has passed a test approved by the Board.

    (k)    “Mobile barbershop” means a barbershop that is located in a motor vehicle or a trailer that is designed, constructed, and equipped as a place for an individual to practice barbering and for use as a conveyance on highways.

    (l)    (1)    “Practice barbering” means to provide to an individual for compensation the service of:

            (i)    cutting, razor cutting, styling, relaxing, body waving, shampooing, or coloring the hair;

            (ii)    shaving or trimming the beard;

            (iii)    massaging the face;

            (iv)    designing, fitting, or cutting a hairpiece; or

            (v)    performing any other similar procedure on the hair, beard, face, or hairpiece of the individual.

        (2)    “Practice barbering” does not include:

            (i)    the mere sale of wigs or hairpieces; or

            (ii)    the services performed by an employee under the supervision of a master barber in a barbershop that holds a barbershop permit that are restricted to:

                1.    shampooing;

                2.    removal of a hair solution;

                3.    sterilization of equipment; or

                4.    similar activities.

    (m)    “Provide barber–stylist services” means to provide to an individual for compensation the service of:

        (1)    cutting, razor cutting, or styling the hair;

        (2)    shaving or trimming the beard;

        (3)    massaging the face; or

        (4)    performing any other similar procedure on the hair, beard, or face of the individual.

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