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Article - Business Occupations and Professions


    (a)    In this title the following words have the meanings indicated.

    (b)    “Board” means the State Board of Examiners of Landscape Architects.

    (c)    “Design coordination” means the review and coordination of services provided by individuals licensed or certified under Titles 3, 8, 9, 14, and 15 of this article.

    (d)    “Landscape architect” means an individual who practices landscape architecture.

    (e)    “License” means, unless the context requires otherwise, a license issued by the Board to practice landscape architecture.

    (f)    “License fee” means, as applicable, the fee paid in connection with the issuance and renewal of a license or the issuance of a reciprocal license.

    (g)    “Licensed landscape architect” means a landscape architect who is licensed by the Board to practice landscape architecture.

    (h)    “Permit” means a permit issued by the Board to allow a partnership or corporation to operate a business through which an individual may practice landscape architecture.

    (i)    “Permit fee” means, as applicable, the fee paid in connection with the issuance and renewal of a permit.

    (j)    (1)    “Practice landscape architecture” means:

            (i)    to provide any service or creative work in the analysis or design of land and natural resources that requires training and experience in the application of the biological, physical, mathematical, and social sciences; and

            (ii)    to perform design coordination of a project or portion of a project provided that the licensed landscape architect holds a current license issued by the Board and has adequate education and experience in, and understanding of, the project or portion of the project being coordinated.

        (2)    “Practice landscape architecture” includes:

            (i)    consultation, research, analysis, assessment, selection, and allocation of land and natural resources;

            (ii)    development of graphic, written, digital, and other appropriate criteria to govern the planning and design of land development and construction programs, including:

                1.    preparation, review, and analysis of master plans, site plans, and land development plans;

                2.    reconnaissance, planning, design, and preparation of construction documents;

                3.    construction, observation, administration, and project management;

                4.    preservation, restoration, conservation, reclamation, rehabilitation, and management of land and natural resources;

                5.    preparation of feasibility and site selection studies, environmental studies, and cost estimate reports; and

                6.    design and analysis of grading and drainage, irrigation, erosion and sediment control systems, and pedestrian and vehicular circulation systems; and

            (iii)    in conjunction with site plan preparation, the performance of the following:

                1.    determining a grade;

                2.    determining drainage; and

                3.    preparing and designing stormwater drainage systems provided that the preparation and design:

                A.    are in accordance with design manuals, details, and standards accepted by the State or local authorities; and

                B.    do not require a hydraulic or structural design of system components.

    (k)    “Responsible charge” means direct control and personal supervision of landscape architecture services that requires initiative, professional skill, and independent judgment.

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