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Article - Criminal Procedure


    Subject to the authority of the Executive Director, the Board shall:

        (1)    submit to the Governor an annual written report of its activities, including its administration of the Fund;

        (2)    monitor the service needs of victims;

        (3)    advise the Governor on the needs of victims;

        (4)    recommend the appointment of the Victim Services Coordinator to the Executive Director;

        (5)    review and approve the Victim Services Coordinator’s plans and annual reports, and the Victim Services Coordinator’s implementation, operation, and revision of programs;

        (6)    approve or disapprove each grant application submitted by the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention and Policy;

        (7)    advise the State’s Attorneys’ Coordination Council on the adoption of regulations governing the administration of the Victim and Witness Protection and Relocation Program established under § 11–902 of this subtitle;

        (8)    advise the State’s Attorneys’ Coordinator on the administration of the Victim and Witness Protection and Relocation Program;

        (9)    (i)    develop pamphlets to notify victims and victim’s representatives of the rights, services, and procedures provided under Article 47 of the Maryland Declaration of Rights or State law, how to request information regarding an unsolved case, how to file a complaint to the Department of Juvenile Services alleging that a child is in need of supervision, and how to request that an offender be placed on electronic monitoring or electronic monitoring with victim stay–away alert technology, including:

                1.    one pamphlet relating to the MDEC system protocol registration process and the time before and after the filing of a charging document other than an indictment or information in circuit court; and

                2.    a second pamphlet relating to the time after the filing of an indictment or information in circuit court; and

            (ii)    develop a poster to notify victims of the right to request a private room in a law enforcement agency or unit to report crimes under Title 3 of the Criminal Law Article; and

        (10)    develop a notification request form and an MDEC system protocol in consultation with the Administrative Office of the Courts, through which a victim or victim’s representative may request to be notified under § 11–104 of this title.

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