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Article - Environment


    (a)    By May 23, 1996, an owner of an affected property shall give to the tenant of each of the owner’s affected properties a lead poisoning information packet prepared or designated by the Department.

    (b)    On or after February 24, 1996, upon the execution of a lease or the inception of a tenancy for an affected property, the owner of the affected property shall give to the tenant a lead poisoning information packet prepared or designated by the Department.

    (c)    An owner of an affected property shall give to the tenant of the affected property another copy of the lead poisoning information packet prepared or designated by the Department at least every 2 years after last giving the information packet to the tenant.

    (d)    A packet given to a tenant under this section shall be sent by:

        (1)    Certified mail, return receipt requested; or

        (2)    A verifiable method approved by the Department.

    (e)    The packet required to be given to a tenant under this section shall be sent to a party or parties identified as the lessee in a written lease in effect for an affected property or, if there is no written lease, the party or parties to whom the property was rented.

    (f)    A person who has acquired, or will acquire, an affected property shall give the packet required under this section to the tenant of the affected property:

        (1)    Before transfer of legal title; or

        (2)    Within 15 days following transfer of legal title.

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