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Article - Environment


    (a)    The Department shall establish and maintain a statewide data base which tracks the status of affected property.

    (b)    (1)    Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, the Department may, by regulation, require owners of affected property to provide information that the Department considers necessary for the data base.

        (2)    The Department may not require the owner to provide:

            (i)    Information more frequently than annually;

            (ii)    The identities of persons or entities having an ownership interest in an owner of an affected property who are not otherwise owners of the affected property; and

            (iii)    Any financial information regarding an affected property or the owner of an affected property, other than data on any costs that an owner has incurred with respect to an affected property in order to comply with Part IV of this subtitle.

    (c)    The data base shall be used to implement the provisions of this subtitle.

    (d)    (1)    An owner who uses a standard lease form may only be required to submit one copy of that form and any alterations to, or variations from, that form.

        (2)    The Department may, by regulation, designate or define minor alterations and variations to standard lease forms that do not require separate submittal.

    (e)    (1)    Subject to the provisions of paragraph (2) of this subsection, the information provided by the owner under this section shall be open to the public.

        (2)    (i)    Except as provided in subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph, the Department may not disclose:

                1.    An inventory or list of properties owned by an owner; or

                2.    The costs that an owner has incurred with respect to an affected property in order to comply with Part IV of this subtitle, if the information is identified to:

                A.    A specific owner; or

                B.    A specific affected property or group of affected properties owned by the same owner.

            (ii)    The Department shall, upon request, disclose whether the owner has met the percentage of inventory requirements under § 6-817 of this subtitle.

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