Statutes Text
Article - Family Law
(a) The Administration shall:
(1) coordinate a statewide program for support enforcement;
(2) maintain a central registry of records on absent parents as required under § 12–105 of this article;
(3) locate absent parents;
(4) determine the ability of an absent parent to pay child support;
(5) accept assignment of right, title, or interest in child support made under § 5–312(b)(2) of the Human Services Article;
(6) in any case in which an assignment is made under § 5–312(b)(2) of the Human Services Article, prosecute and maintain any legal or equitable action available to establish each absent parent’s obligation to pay child support;
(7) cooperate with other states in establishing and enforcing child support obligations;
(8) collect and disburse support payments through the State disbursement unit established under § 10–108.7 of this subtitle; and
(9) use established legal processes to enforce court orders to pay support.
(b) Except in a county that has a local support enforcement office, the Administration is the agency that is responsible for support enforcement in all cases where a court orders an obligor to make support payments to a public agency:
(1) as the payee; or
(2) as collection agent for the payee.
(c) (1) In this subsection, “notice of arrearage” means a written notice provided by the Administration:
(i) to an obligor who is in arrears in making child support payments; and
(ii) relating to the arrearage.
(2) If the Administration sends a notice of arrearage within the first 120 days that the obligor is in arrears in making child support payments, the Administration shall include notice that continued arrearage may result in revocation or denial of a license under § 10-119.3 of this subtitle.
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