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Article - Family Law


    (a)    Consent of a party to an adoption under this Part IV of this subtitle is not valid unless:

        (1)    the consent is given in a language that the party understands;

        (2)    if given in a language other than English, the consent:

            (i)    is given before a judge on the record; or

            (ii)    is accompanied by the affidavit of a translator stating that the translation of the document of consent is accurate;

        (3)    the consent names the child;

        (4)    the consent contains enough information to identify the prospective adoptive parent; and

        (5)    the party has received written notice or on-the-record notice of:

            (i)    the revocation provisions in this section;

            (ii)    the search rights of adoptees and parents under § 5-359 of this subtitle and the search rights of adoptees, parents, and siblings under Subtitle 4B of this title; and

            (iii)    the right to file a disclosure veto under § 5-359 of this subtitle.

    (b)    A guardian may revoke consent to an adoption under this Part IV of this subtitle at any time before a juvenile court enters an order of adoption under this Part IV of this subtitle.

    (c)    A child may revoke consent to an adoption under this Part IV of this subtitle at any time before a juvenile court enters an order of adoption under this Part IV of this subtitle.

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