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Statutes Text

Article - Local Government


    (a)    Washington County shall distribute the hotel rental tax revenue as follows:

        (1)    50% to the general fund of the county to be used to fund the Hagerstown/Washington County Convention and Visitors Bureau; and

        (2)    the remaining balance to a special fund to be used only to:

            (i)    cover costs for wages, postage, supplies, and legal fees incurred in administering the hotel rental tax;

            (ii)    develop tourism attractions;

            (iii)    enhance economic development; and

            (iv)    support cultural and recreational projects in Washington County.

    (b)    A municipality in Washington County may apply to the County Commissioners of Washington County for funding from the special fund established under subsection (a)(2) of this section for an eligible project within the municipality.

    (c)    Each year before adoption of its annual budget, the Hagerstown/Washington County Convention and Visitors Bureau shall hold a public hearing on the proposed annual budget.

    (d)    On or before November 1 of each year:

        (1)    the County Commissioners of Washington County shall post on the county’s Web site a report on the hotel rental tax revenue collected and the use of the hotel rental tax revenue for the previous fiscal year; and

        (2)    the Hagerstown/Washington County Convention and Visitors Bureau shall report to the County Commissioners of Washington County on the Bureau’s use of the hotel rental tax revenue for the previous fiscal year.

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