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Article - Public Safety


    (a)    Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, if there is clear evidence that an exception will not adversely affect the fire safety of a building or its occupants, the State Fire Marshal or a local authority with jurisdiction over the enforcement of fire and building codes may grant an exception to:

        (1)    a requirement of a State or local fire and building code if a sprinkler system is installed in a building as required by this subtitle; or

        (2)    the sprinkler system requirement of this subtitle if, on or before June 30, 1990:

            (i)    the local authority gave approval to a construction plan for a dormitory, hotel, lodging or rooming house, multifamily residential unit, or town house; and

            (ii)    the approved plan did not include the installation of a sprinkler system as required by this subtitle.

    (b)    The State Fire Marshal or a local authority may not grant an exception under this section to a smoke detector requirement.

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