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Article - Real Property


    (a)    Notwithstanding the provisions of § 8-208.1 of this subtitle, a landlord of real property subject to the provisions of Title 6, Subtitle 8 of the Environment Article may not evict or take any other retaliatory action against a tenant primarily as a result of the tenant providing information to the landlord under Title 6, Subtitle 8 of the Environment Article.

    (b)    For purposes of this section, a retaliatory action includes:

        (1)    An arbitrary refusal to renew a lease;

        (2)    Termination of a tenancy;

        (3)    An arbitrary rent increase or decrease in services to which the tenant is entitled; or

        (4)    Any form of constructive eviction.

    (c)    A tenant subject to an eviction or retaliatory action under this section is entitled to the relief, and is eligible for reasonable attorney’s fees and costs, authorized under § 8-208.1 of this subtitle.

    (d)    Nothing in this section may be interpreted to alter the landlord’s or the tenant’s rights arising from a breach of any provision of a lease.

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