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Article - Tax - General


    (a)    The sales and use tax does not apply to a sale of the following items for an agricultural purpose:

        (1)    livestock;

        (2)    feed or bedding for livestock;

        (3)    seed, fertilizer, fungicide, herbicide, or insecticide;

        (4)    baler twine or wire;

        (5)    fuel for use in farm equipment or a farm tractor, as defined in §§ 11–120 and 11–121 of the Transportation Article; and

        (6)    if bought by a farmer:

            (i)    a container to transport farm products that the farmer raises to market;

            (ii)    a farm vehicle, as defined in § 13–911(c) of the Transportation Article, when used in farming;

            (iii)    a milking machine, when used in farming;

            (iv)    fabrication, processing, or service, by a sawmill, of wood products for farm use in which the farmer retains title; and

            (v)    farm equipment when used to:

                1.    raise livestock;

                2.    prepare, irrigate, or tend the soil; or

                3.    plant, service, harvest, store, clean, dry, or transport seeds or crops.

    (b)    Except for flowers, sod, decorative trees and shrubs, and any other product that usually is sold by a nursery or horticulturist, the sales and use tax does not apply to a sale of an agricultural product by a farmer.

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