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2012 Special Session 1


File Code: Taxes - Income Crossfiled with: SENATE BILL 1302
Sponsored By:
The Speaker (By Request - Administration)
State and Local Revenue and Financing Act of 2012


Increasing the State individual income tax rates on specified amounts of income; altering the amount that specified individuals may deduct as an exemption under the income tax; requiring specified business trusts to add specified income to federal adjusted gross income to determine Maryland adjusted gross income; altering the tax rate for specified tobacco products; providing, for purposes of the recordation tax, that specified security interest in real property is deemed to be treated as debt incurred; altering specified fees; etc.

History by Legislative and Calendar Date

Legislative date is used to record history occurring in the Chambers otherwise Calendar date is used. For explanation of terms click here.
House Action
First Reading Ways and Means
Hearing 5/14 at 2:00 p.m.
Senate Action
No Action

Sponsored by:

Speaker, The

Bill indexed under the following Subjects:

Appeals -see also- Judicial Review
Assessments and Taxation, Department of
Business Trusts
Committees and Commissions -see also- Political Committees
Drivers' Licenses
Fees -see also- Attys' Fees; Devt Fees & Taxes; Reimb Rates.
Income Tax
Loans -see also- Mortgages
Penalties and Sentences -see also- Death Penalty
Revenue and Taxes -see also- Dev Fees &Taxes; specific tax
Sales and Use Tax
Security Interests -see also- Liens; Mechanics' Liens
Tax Credits -see also- Circuit Breaker
Telecommunications and Information Technology
Utilities -see also- High Voltage Lines; Telephones; Water
Vital Records

Bill affects the following Statutes:

Health - General
( 4-217 )
State Government
( 9-1604 )
Tax - General
( 10-105 , 10-204 , 10-211 , 10-306 , 10-708 , 11-202 , 12-105 )
Tax - Property
( 12-105 )


All documents except Roll Call Votes are displayed in PDF format:
Bill Text: First Reading, Third Reading, Enrolled
Fiscal and Policy Note: Available
Amendments: None offered
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