File Code: Insurance - Health
Crossfiled with: SENATE BILL 238
- Sponsored By:
The Speaker (By Request - Administration) and Delegates Barnes, Gaines,
Griffith, Hammen, Haynes, Hucker, Jones, Morhaim, Pena-Melnyk, Pendergrass,
Proctor, V. Turner, Waldstreicher, Hubbard, Reznik, A. Kelly, Oaks, Donoghue,
Nathan-Pulliam, Cullison, and Murphy
- Entitled:
Maryland Health Benefit Exchange Act of 2012
Requiring the Board of Trustees of the Maryland Health Benefit
Exchange, subject to a specified waiver, to submit specified
regulations to specified legislative committees under specified
circumstances; requiring the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange to make
specified qualified dental plans and qualified vision plans available
to specified individuals and employers; requiring the Exchange to
establish and implement specified navigator programs; etc.
Legislative date is used to record
history occurring in the Chambers
otherwise Calendar date is used.
For explanation of terms
click here.
House Action
- 2/1
- First Reading Health and Government Operations
- 2/8
- Hearing 2/23 at 1:00 p.m.
- 3/21
- Favorable with Amendments Report by Health and Government Operations
- 3/19
- Favorable with Amendments {396881/2 Report Adopted
- Special Order until 3/23 (Delegate Pendergrass)
- 3/20
- Floor Amendment (Delegate Pendergrass) {743122/1 Adopted
- Floor Amendment (Delegate Schulz) {593327/1 Rejected (45-83)
- Floor Amendment (Delegate Hough) {593429/1 Rejected (43-88)
- Floor Amendment (Delegate George) {443525/1 Rejected (44-88)
- Floor Amendment (Delegate Eckardt) {693727/1 Rejected (45-88)
- Second Reading Passed with Amendments
- 3/22
- Third Reading Passed (94-44)
- 4/1
- Returned Passed
Senate Action
- 3/22
- First Reading Finance
- 3/27
- Hearing 3/29 at 1:00 p.m.
- 3/28
- Hearing cancelled
- Hearing 4/3 at 1:00 p.m.
- 4/4
- Favorable Report by Finance
- 3/29
- Favorable Report Adopted
- Second Reading Passed
- 3/30
- Third Reading Passed (35-11)
Action after passage in House and Senate
- 5/2
- Approved by the Governor
- - Chapter 152
Sponsored by:
- Speaker, The
- Administration
- Delegate Ben Barnes, District 21
- Delegate Bonnie Cullison, District 19
- Delegate John P. Donoghue, District 2C
- Delegate Tawanna P. Gaines, District 22
- Delegate Melony G. Griffith, District 25
- Delegate Peter A. Hammen, District 46
- Delegate Keith E. Haynes, District 44
- Delegate James W. Hubbard, District 23A
- Delegate Tom Hucker, District 20
- Delegate Adrienne A. Jones, District 10
- Delegate Ariana B. Kelly, District 16
- Delegate Dan K. Morhaim, District 11
- Delegate Peter Murphy, District 28
- Delegate Shirley Nathan-Pulliam, District 10
- Delegate Nathaniel T. Oaks, District 41
- Delegate Joseline A. Pena-Melnyk, District 21
- Delegate Shane E. Pendergrass, District 13
- Delegate James E. Proctor, Jr., District 27A
- Delegate Kirill Reznik, District 39
- Delegate Veronica Turner, District 26
- Delegate Jeff Waldstreicher, District 18
Bill indexed under the following Subjects:
- Agents and Brokers
- Committees and Commissions -see also- Political Committees
- Consumer Protection -see also- Unfair Trade Practices
- Contracts -see also- Land Installment Contracts; Procurement
- Dentists
- Disclosure
- Fraud -see also- Forgery
- General Assembly -see also- AELR Cmte; Leg Policy Committee.
- Health Benefit Exchange
- Health Insurance -see also- HMOS; Managed Care Organizations
- Health Maintenance Organizations -see also- Manage Care Orgs
- Insurance Administration
- Interstate Affairs
- Job Training
- Licenses -see also- Alcoholic Bev Lic; Drivers' Licenses
- Managed Care Organizations -see also- Health Maint Orgs
- Medical Assistance
- Notices
- Penalties and Sentences -see also- Death Penalty
- Prices -see also- Consumer Price Index
- Public Information
- Registration -see also- Motor Vehicle Registration
- Reports
- Restitution
- Rules and Regulations
- Small Business
- Tax Credits -see also- Circuit Breaker
- Work, Labor and Employment -see also- Col Barg; Holiday; etc
Bill affects the following Statutes:
- Health - General
- (
- Insurance
- (
All documents except Roll Call Votes are
displayed in PDF format:
- Bill Text:
First Reading,
Third Reading, Enrolled, Chapter
- Fiscal and Policy Note:
- Attorney General Letter:
- Amendments:
- Number: 396881/02 Offered on: March 22, 2012 at:
8:29 p.m. Status: Adopted
- Number: 443525/01 Offered on: March 23, 2012 at:
4:42 p.m. Status: Rejected
- Number: 593327/01 Offered on: March 23, 2012 at:
4:32 p.m. Status: Rejected
- Number: 593429/01 Offered on: March 23, 2012 at:
4:39 p.m. Status: Rejected
- Number: 693727/01 Offered on: March 23, 2012 at:
4:46 p.m. Status: Rejected
- Number: 743122/01 Offered on: March 23, 2012 at:
4:31 p.m. Status: Adopted
Committee Votes :
- Health and Government Operations
- Finance
- Roll Call Votes (Legislative dates are shown):
- March 20, 2012: Floor Amendment (Schulz) {593327/1 Rejected (45-83)
- March 20, 2012: Floor Amendment (Hough) {593429/1 Rejected (43-88)
- March 20, 2012: Floor Amendment (George) {443525/1 Rejected (44-88)
- March 20, 2012: Floor Amendment (Eckardt) {693727/1 Rejected (45-88)
- March 22, 2012: Third Reading Passed (94-44)
- March 30, 2012: Third Reading Passed (35-11)
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