House Floor Actions (3/11/2025)
House Agenda for Proceedings No. 39 C
Appropriations Committee Report No. 8
Appropriations Committee Report No. 9
Economic Matters Committee Report No. 7
Economic Matters Committee Report No. 8
Environment and Transportation Committee Report No. 9
Environment and Transportation Committee Report No. 10
Health and Government Operations Committee Report No. 11
Health and Government Operations Committee Report No. 12
Health and Government Operations Committee Report No. 13
Health and Government Operations Committee Report No. 14
Judiciary Committee Report No. 7
Judiciary Committee Report No. 8
Judiciary Committee Report No. 9
Judiciary Committee Report No. 10
Ways and Means Committee Report No. 7
Ways and Means Committee Report No. 8
Ways and Means Committee Report No. 9
Rules and Executive Nominations Committee Report No. 3 Consent No. 3
House Proceedings No. 39 C |
Reconvened 10:00 AM, Legislative Day 02/27/25, Calendar Day 03/11/25 |
Quorum: 136 |
Committee Report No. 8 Appropriations |
HB 205 |
Favorable Adopted |
Motion Special Order until Next Session (Delegate Grammer) Adopted |
HB 228 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 458 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 865 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 920 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
Committee Report No. 8 Economic Matters |
HB 956 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 1210 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 1347 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
Committee Report No. 9 Environment and Transportation |
HB 114 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 372 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 469 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 785 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 1063 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 1065 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 1128 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
Committee Report No. 11 Health and Government Operations |
HB 54 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 580 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 1334 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
Committee Report No. 13 Health and Government Operations |
HB 602 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 664 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 723 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
Committee Report No. 7 Judiciary |
HB 89 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 275 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 533 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 542 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 814 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 1442 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
Committee Report No. 9 Judiciary |
HB 592 |
Favorable Adopted |
Second Reading Passed |
HB 775 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
Committee Report No. 7 Ways and Means |
HB 237 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 420 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 426 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 634 |
Favorable Adopted |
Motion Special Order until Next Session (Delegate Pippy) Adopted |
HB 945 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
HB 1122 |
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed |
Committee Report No. 9 Appropriations |
HB 61 |
Favorable with Amendments {143227/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 159 |
Favorable with Amendments {833221/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 643 |
Favorable with Amendments {873426/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 684 |
Favorable with Amendments {573226/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
Committee Report No. 7 Economic Matters |
HB 193 |
Favorable with Amendments {413823/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 917 |
Favorable with Amendments {373625/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 984 |
Favorable with Amendments {463623/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 1171 |
Favorable with Amendments {693325/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
Committee Report No. 10 Environment and Transportation |
HB 155 |
Favorable with Amendments {953729/1 Adopted |
Motion Special Order until 03/12 (Delegate Korman) Adopted |
HB 222 |
Favorable with Amendments {273125/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 230 |
Favorable with Amendments {853725/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 490 |
Favorable with Amendments {663923/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 491 |
Favorable with Amendments {103522/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 513 |
Favorable with Amendments {523025/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 527 |
Favorable with Amendments {603922/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 719 |
Favorable with Amendments {293023/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 749 |
Favorable with Amendments {483923/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 893 |
Favorable with Amendments {223421/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 932 |
Favorable with Amendments {743723/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 1181 |
Favorable with Amendments {513328/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
Committee Report No. 12 Health and Government Operations |
HB 666 |
Favorable with Amendments {323421/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 672 |
Favorable with Amendments {513320/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 718 |
Favorable with Amendments {373828/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 930 |
Favorable with Amendments {313129/1 Adopted |
Motion Special Order until 03/12 (Delegate Wivell) Adopted |
HB 970 |
Favorable with Amendments {353129/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 974 |
Favorable with Amendments {943925/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 1045 |
Favorable with Amendments {333326/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 1082 |
Favorable with Amendments {433523/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
Committee Report No. 14 Health and Government Operations |
HB 448 |
Favorable with Amendments {483526/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 466 |
Favorable with Amendments {573225/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 573 |
Favorable with Amendments {693726/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 662 |
Favorable with Amendments {643220/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 699 |
Favorable with Amendments {653423/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 783 |
Favorable with Amendments {643525/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 798 |
Favorable with Amendments {343623/1 Adopted |
Motion Special Order until 03/12 (Delegate Nkongolo) Adopted |
HB 933 |
Favorable with Amendments {203529/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 996 |
Favorable with Amendments {463529/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 1069 |
Favorable with Amendments {583226/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
Committee Report No. 8 Judiciary |
HB 260 |
Favorable with Amendments {623228/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 675 |
Favorable with Amendments {893125/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
Committee Report No. 10 Judiciary |
HB 259 |
Favorable with Amendments {693727/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 438 |
Favorable with Amendments {603924/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 1060 |
Favorable with Amendments {423923/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 1440 |
Favorable with Amendments {363329/1 Adopted |
Motion Special Order until Next Session (Delegate Clippinger) Adopted |
Committee Report No. 8 Ways and Means |
HB 23 |
Favorable with Amendments {283728/1 Adopted |
Motion Special Order until 03/12 (Delegate Adams) Adopted |
HB 59 |
Favorable with Amendments {703623/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
Committee Report No. 9 Ways and Means |
HB 150 |
Favorable with Amendments {153425/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 390 |
Favorable with Amendments {103924/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 477 |
Favorable with Amendments {933529/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 493 |
Favorable with Amendments {133925/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 596 |
Favorable with Amendments {803822/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 694 |
Favorable with Amendments {703920/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
HB 790 |
Favorable with Amendments {923122/1 Adopted |
Second Reading Passed with Amendments |
Committee Report No. 3 Rules and Executive Nominations Consent Calendar No. 3 |
HB 1528 |
Re-referred Appropriations |
HB 1545 |
Re-referred Appropriations |
HB 1546 |
Re-referred Appropriations |
Announcements |
Quorum: 137 |
Adjourned 12:03 PM, until Mar 11, 2025 at 5:00 PM, (Legislative Day 02/28) |