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Article - Education


    (a)    (1)    There is a statewide Youth Suicide Prevention School Program administered by the Department in cooperation with:

            (i)    Participating local education agencies;

            (ii)    Local community agencies involved in suicide prevention;

            (iii)    Local community mental health programs; and

            (iv)    Youth service bureaus.

        (2)    On or before October 1, 1986, the Department may establish a demonstration Youth Suicide Prevention School Program in cooperation with local education agencies in the following political subdivisions:

            (i)    Anne Arundel County;

            (ii)    Baltimore City;

            (iii)    Baltimore County;

            (iv)    Harford County;

            (v)    Howard County; and

            (vi)    Montgomery County.

    (b)    Any political subdivision in the State may apply for assistance or grant funds under this subtitle to establish a local Youth Suicide Prevention School Program.

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