About Members
The General Assembly of Maryland, as the legislative body directly representing the electorate, passes public general and public local laws, raises revenues and appropriates funds to pay for State government services, and oversees the operation of State executive agencies. In much of this activity, the legislator plays a major role in helping to develop the public policy of the State.
The state is divided into 47 legislative districts, with each district represented by one senator and 3 delegates. Some districts are wholly contained in one county and some districts contain multiple counties.
The General Assembly is divided into two houses: the 47 member Senate and the 141 member House of Delegates. Each member is elected to serve a four year term. The next election will occur in November of 2026.
The organizational arrangement of each house results from a combination of constitutional requirements, rules adopted by each house, and legislative custom. The General Assembly is further organized into standing, statutory, special, and select committees, the latter usually known as local delegations.
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