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Statutes Text

Article - Health - General


    (a)    If an emergency evaluee meets the requirements for an involuntary admission and is unable or unwilling to agree to a voluntary admission under this subtitle, the examining physician shall take the steps needed for involuntary admission of the emergency evaluee to an appropriate facility, which may be a general hospital with a licensed inpatient psychiatric unit.

    (b)    (1)    If the examining physician is unable to have the emergency evaluee admitted to a facility, the physician shall notify the Department.

        (2)    Within 6 hours after notification, the Department shall provide for admission of the emergency evaluee to an appropriate facility.

    (c)    (1)    Within 30 hours after the emergency facility completes an application for the involuntary admission of an emergency evaluee, the emergency facility shall notify the Mental Health Division in the Office of the Public Defender, by e–mail or facsimile, of the completion of the application.

        (2)    The notice required under paragraph (1) of this subsection shall include any legal documents relating to the acceptance of the emergency evaluee into the emergency facility, including the emergency petition, application for involuntary admission, and certification for involuntary admission.

        (3)    The notice required under paragraph (1) of this subsection does not apply to a patient who agrees to voluntary admission.

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