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Statutes Affected - St. Mary's County - (l19)

Section Bill Action Bill Number
113-1 amended HB0887 / CH0426
113-11G. amended HB0887 / CH0426
113-17D. amended HB0887 / CH0426
113-19C. amended HB0887 / CH0426
113-20 amended HB0887 / CH0426
113-3C. amended HB0887 / CH0426
113-5A. amended HB0887 / CH0426
113-6B. amended HB0887 / CH0426
113-7C. amended HB0887 / CH0426
138-1F. amended HB0247 / CH0427
26-1A. amended HB0447
26-1B. without amendments HB0447
C. without amendments HB0447
138-1B. without amendments HB0247 / CH0427
Last Updated: 9/13/2023 12:29 PM
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